WorldWar2Boy wrote:Sorry to offend you, but I think you are really stupid
does insulting other makes you feel better or do you actually think it has some sort of impact ?
WorldWar2Boy wrote: You are blaming Israel for making money by trading with Turkey. This is just bull shit. Every country in the world trades to make money and in the Middle-East military trade is a good business.
Let me see your genius logic here ...they are our friends as you claim , but in the mean time you are OK with them indirectly participating in killing us just to make money ? . Perhaps Kurds should put their principles aside too and start helping Iran , I'm sure we will make plenty of money too . You can not validate murder my friend , murder is murder and Israel is an active participant here and they should not claim virtue and principles considering they are well aware that these weapons are being used to kill , oppress the Kurds .
WorldWar2Boy wrote:So do you also blame South-Kurdistan for trading with Turkey? Turkey is at this moment South-Kurdistans biggest trader. We will need Turkey in the future to boost the economy of South-Kurdistan.
trading beans and wheat is different that UVA and tanks . Can you tell the difference in use ?
WorldWar2Boy wrote:You can't expect that every country in the world will do everything in the favor of one people (in this case the Kurds). That is romantic, but very, very unrealistic!
You are generalizing here , and going by your logic the Iraqi government can validate Halabja and the Nazis can validate the holocaust ! .I do not expect anything from any country , What I'm pointing out is that Israel is not a friend and they are actively participating in Killing Kurds in the North . The action is measured by the end results and they end results of Israel's support to turkey here is killing and oppression of the Kurds . If you can accept that in the name of trade or making money , then you have some serious moral issue
WorldWar2Boy wrote:Israel was not allways powerfull like this. More than 6 million Jews were killed during World War 2. Nobody helped them. Even the Americans didn't, although THEY KNEW were the concentration camps were located AND THEY KNEW WHAT HAPPENED IN THOSE CONCENTRATION CAMPS (the top did).
Thanks for the listen in the history , wow I did not know that .
WorldWar2Boy wrote: Is Israel blaming them for not helping them in the past? No. Is Israel blaming other countries (besides of Germany) for what they've done to them in the past? No. Not anymore. And there are still millions of people left who were alive and witnessed World War 2.
Yes they did and Israel went and continue to go after those who collaborating with the Nazis in Argentina ,Australia,Belgium , former Czechoslovakia , Estonia ,France, Greece , Norway, Poland and so on . Read "Isreal's Nazi Collaborators Punishment Law 1 August 1950".
and thank you for answering your own question . Do you think it was right for some countries to support the Nazi movement in committing murder ?. Do you think fear, trade or making money was a valid reason for indirectly participating in killing 6 million jews ?
WorldWar2Boy wrote:And why don't you mention Israel's military support to South-Kurdistan in the 60's and 70's? Israel has even admitted this.
We all know that countering Iranian and Arab influence in the region is the main reason , so yes they did the right thing for the wrong reasons though .