Piling wrote:The second in line after Ocalan was Sakine Cansiz.
Sakine Cansiz was nothing after she should leave guerrilla for she had some troubles with other commanders (a male coalition against her). Because she was a constant pro-Öcalan figure, and not dangerous to him, she was spared and finished her life to a secondary place (in charge of woman) : sidelines, no more.Aysel Tugluk is the leader of the DTK and one of the architects behind HDP creation. You could call DTK the ''legal'' KCK... So she is ultimately the leader of the supreme organisation of Kurds in Northern Kurdistan and Turkey.
Parties were nothing, just puppets of PKK before the peace process. Now they are the docile executors of a peace process only decided in secret between Öcalan and MIT. Their only use is to bring messages from Öcalan to Qandil and European PKK offices.
I am sure that you know more about Sakine Cansiz than I do - but I always believed her to be fiercely in favour of an independent Kurdistan - I know that she had no time for time wasters and idiots