Author: Anthea » Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:58 pm
APO Osman Sabri Literature Festival ends in QamishloThis year, the festival was held in the Mihemed Shêxo Center for Culture and Arts, promoted by the Qamishlo Canton Literary Committee and lasted three daysClick image to enlargeThe second edition of the literature festival named after the much loved, great Kurdish intellectual APO Osman Sabri, in Qamishlo ended after a series of events and awards.
This year, the festival was held in the Mihemed Shêxo Center for Culture and Arts, promoted by the Qamishlo Canton Literary Committee and lasted three days.
APO Osman Sabri’s life and struggle, poetry-story recitals in Kurdish and Arabic, poetry and story seminars, dengbêj and music performances, were part of the many events presented at the festival which ended with an award ceremony.
The festival was dedicated to the people and resisters of Afrin and Shehba struggle against the Turkish occupation.
The various awards granted by the festival were:
Kurdish short story: Neriman Evdikî, Mistefa Mistefa, Lem'a Elî
Poetry in Kurdish: Fatma Sîdo, mailsmail Heci Mûrad, Lewend Yusif
Kurdish article: Pêşeroj Cewherî
Arabic short story: Friday El Heyder, Ciwan Silo, Brahîm Elshaq
Arabic poetry: Xidir Hemadî bin Hemadî, Brahîm Berekat, Ehmed Yûsif, Mistefa Sîno
Arabic article: Xalis Misewer, Cemîla Mihemed, Reşîd Ebbas
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