KurdInEurope wrote:Oh, ffs, you're like a broken recorder. Repeating the same thing, moreover, repeating a damn lie...
Which bit is the lie?
I am NOT against the PKK and never have been
I have always supported them and encouraged my Kurdish friends to support them
I am against Ocalan because he has BETRAYED the PKK
As far as I am concerned Ocalan has betrayed the Kurdish freedom fighters of the PKK
The white flag is known internationally as the flag of surrender
Well known FACT
Ocalan's white flag is stained with the blood of all those who have died
Including the blood of some of my friends and I very angry that they have given their lives for NOTHING
Perhaps you are young and do not remember everything that happened when Ocalan was arrested
There is noting wrong with you being a child
Perhaps you do not know about all the in-fighting that took place and almost destroyed the PKK
This is a FACT - you are not to blame because you did not know
PLEASE have your say - perhaps you know things that nobody else does - I await your list:
I am still waiting