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Demands central government to indemnify Halabja

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:18 pm
Author: Anthea
Kirkuk Now

The governor of Kirkuk, Najmadin Karim, has demanded that the Iraqi government indemnify the families of the casualties of the chemical gas attack of Halabja 25 years ago.

The governor showed his condolence for the families of the deceased on the 25th anniversary of the chemical gas attack on Halabja, reassuring that Halabja is not alone, saying “We all are with Halabja and we try our best to rebuild the city.”

The former Baath regime used chemical gas against the people of the Halabja district on March 16, 1988, leaving more than five thousand individuals dead and tens of thousands of others injured.

“The international states chose to stay silent when they witnessed such a tragedy and other consecutive mass murders against the Kurdish people, but we now have to try hard to recognize the mass murders carried our against the Kurds as genocides on the international level,” Najamdin Karim stated.

“The Iraqi government has to indemnify the families of the casualties of the chemical gas attacks on Halabja; a decade has passed since the toppling of the former regime and the new Iraqi government has not aided the people of Kirkuk so far,” Karim further commented. ... y-halabja/