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‘Kurdistan is part of Iraq,’ Arab Idol judge tells

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:51 pm
Author: Piling
Al Arabiya -
An Arab Idol judge stressed her staunch disapproval of a Kurdish participant denoting her country of origin as Kurdistan, not Iraq, during the show on Saturday.
For the first time in the pan-Arab talent show, Barwas Hussein, from Iraq’s semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan sung in Kurdish.
The on-screen title showed Hussein’s country of origin as “Kurdistan Iraq,” while another two Iraqi participants had their country title as “Iraq.”
“I want to welcome, with love, all Iraqis because we have amazing voices from there,” the show’s Emirati judge and songstress Ahlam Al-Shamsi, said before saying Kurdistan is an “inseparable” part of Iraq.
“I am against the country title that says Berwas is from Kurdistan, because Kurdistan is an inseparable part of Iraq.”
Pointing to Hussein, “I want your introduction to say that you are from Iraq and not Kurdistan.”
The Arab Idol audience applauded Ahlam’s remarks and clapped.
While Hussein is not so fluent in Arabic, it seemed that she understood the judge’s remarks.
The Kurdish contestant smiled at the judge, and mouthed the words “Kurdistan Iraq,” appearing to imply she preferred this country title instead of the judge’s preference.
The other three judges, who hailed from Egypt and Lebanon, kept quiet.
Kurdistan in Iraq is home to around five million people. Political disputes inside Iraq and the region stood against forming an independent Kurdish state and have marred Arab-Kurdish relations.
Despite Iraq having the first Kurdish president in the Arab world, Kurds still wish for more independence from Baghdad. ... stant.html

Good lessons for Kurds : Why participating to a show called ARAB idol ? ;)

Re: ‘Kurdistan is part of Iraq,’ Arab Idol judge tells

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:22 pm
Author: Shirko
I agree the judge from UAE is ignorant. And the other judges, especialy Ragheb Alama was very supportive and nice to her. I thought this was very positive and a step forward.

Piling, I hardly ever see anything good coming out of you! For a Kurd winning Arab Idol is a very positive development.

Re: ‘Kurdistan is part of Iraq,’ Arab Idol judge tells

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:28 pm
Author: Piling
Are you not able to argue or debate without swearing like a rude and moron teen ager proud to have let his snot on a school table 'then you will see it ' ? ?

Kurds do as they like, a Kurdish singer can compete to Arab idol if she enjoys but the name is a bias (it could be the same for a Turkmen or an Assyrian singer) : it opens the path for such remarks, because the term ARAB in that show is unclear :

If 'Arab' refers to the ethnic name of the singers, is a Kurd = Arab ?

If Arab refers to the language of the songs, then does she sing in Arab ?

If 'Arab' refers to a country belonging to the Arab League, then the judge is right : Kurdistan should be a part of Iraq.

And it would be the same question for a Turkmen or a Süryani.

I imagine here the reactions of some Kurds if a Kurdish singer would have compete in a show called TURKISH Idol 8-| I don;t call that a serious mistake, it is just weird. better if that show would called Middle East Idol or something like that.

Moreover in an artistic point of view, (now you can swear and boil :-D )

I think that her voice is weak. I rather the original singer of that song.

But I am bad judge I don't like that commercial pop music. It is as terrible as Eurovision.

Re: ‘Kurdistan is part of Iraq,’ Arab Idol judge tells

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:34 pm
Author: Piling
Now, I've read on twitter that in reaction of that Kuwaiti judge, there is another Facebook campaign from Kurds that will make boiling some people here again :

Kurds are updating their statuses on FB w 'If Kurdistan is part of Iraq then Palestine is part of Israel'

Re: ‘Kurdistan is part of Iraq,’ Arab Idol judge tells

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:31 pm
Author: Shirko
Middle East Idol sounds good to me. Im sure we will not see a french winner ever.

Any way, that Emirati judge was being ignorant, there are jokes about her all over the place. She always says stupid things. The most liked and respected judge on the show is Ragheb Alama, and he was very respectful and kind. So you and a few trolls want to make trouble over this, instead of finding something positive out of it.

Instead of people going on FB and accusing 350 million people of racisism for what one lady said, they should have a campaign to have her removed from the show or apologize. Or a campaign against the station.

And I never cursed at you yet, but im getting tired of holding back, because is see right thrue you. And it is a discrace having

Re: ‘Kurdistan is part of Iraq,’ Arab Idol judge tells

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:38 pm
Author: Shirko

Re: ‘Kurdistan is part of Iraq,’ Arab Idol judge tells

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:47 pm
Author: Piling
So you and a few trolls want to make trouble over this, instead of finding something positive out of it.

Seriously, I don't care, personally. But Kurds made a storm on Twitter and Facebook and it makes me laugh because it is a such unimportant thing if we consider what happens in Syria or Iraq in the same time.

Middle East Idol sounds good to me. Im sure we will not see a french winner ever.

Don't worry for that. We were not be able to win Eurovision since 1977 :lol:

Parwaz has one of the best voices I ever heard.

You never heard Darya Dadvar, then (Not Kurd, but a real great voice).

Re: ‘Kurdistan is part of Iraq,’ Arab Idol judge tells

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:56 pm
Author: Piling
Then, 2 interesting opinions and reports about Perwas Hussein performance : ... arab-idol/

Concerning Ahlam Al-shamsi, she is probably surprised to have launched a such tempest, then she said that she will apologized to the Kurdish people on MBC TV channel live at Arab Idol.

Re: ‘Kurdistan is part of Iraq,’ Arab Idol judge tells

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:10 pm
Author: Shirko
Ahlams apology:

رسالتي للشعب الكردي ” أحلام ”

تعقيبا على رد الشعب الكردي الذي وصلني بناء على حلقة الأمس أردت التوضيح فقط أنني لم أقصد أي إساءة للشعب الكردي وتواجد المتسابقة ” به رواس ” بالبرنامج وقبولها فيه يمثل رسالة سامية فنية ، رسالة ” حب وسلام “وتمثل المكان الذي جاءت منه ، كونها غنت بالعربية لم نتردد بقبول موهبتها وغنت بالكردية أيضا واطربتنا وامتعتنا ، رحبنا بها دون النظر لأي شؤون سياسية أو ماشابه ذلك ، هي جاءت تحمل رسالة باسم الفن رسالة يغلفها الحب والسلام ، ونحن بدورنا نبادرها بالحب والسلام لها وللشعب الكردي كافة ، كلامي كان بقصد محبة دون التعرض أو الإساءة لكردستان ، ولم أقصد فيه ان ألغي وجودكم ولا حتى المساس بكم ،
فخورة أنا أن ” به رواس ” جاءت تحمل بجمال صوتها الحب والسلام وفخورين جميعا بالإشادة بتلك الموهبة وتغذيتها ودعمها بصدر رحب .
أنا أحلام شخصيا لدي الكثير من الأصدقاء الأكراد واحبهم كثيرا وتتكلل علاقتنا بالحب والاحترام .
من يفسر كٓلامي عن كردستان أنه إساءة فقد ظلمني لأني لم أقصد الإساءة بتاتا ,أنا أكبر من السخافات المفسرة أو اثارة الفتن وليست ممن تدس السم في كلامها وممن يخوض حروب في أطر سياسية ، ومادام هناك قيل وقال حول كلامي فأنا أعتذر عنها وأعتذر منكم إذا وصل لكم بهذه الصورة الخاطئة ، حمى الله الجميع وأدام عليكم الحب السلام .
أكن لكم كل الحب والتقدير .
.وادعموا ” به رواس ”
بنت كردستان العراق
مع محبتي احلام

Re: ‘Kurdistan is part of Iraq,’ Arab Idol judge tells

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:17 pm
Author: Shirko
Anthea has been quite lately, she has been asking what is the best way to get attention (poitive) for Kurds. Parwas has done it by being on arab idol and this should change Pilings mind, when she asked why a Kurd is on it.

Re: ‘Kurdistan is part of Iraq,’ Arab Idol judge tells

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:04 am
Author: Anthea
HZKurdi wrote:Anthea has been quite lately, she has been asking what is the best way to get attention (poitive) for Kurds. Parwas has done it by being on arab idol and this should change Pilings mind, when she asked why a Kurd is on it.


I have been very busy :(

It is brilliant that Parwas has actually managed to have such a high profile :ymapplause:

I know absolutely nothing about these programs, I do not have a TV and have never watched any of those types of program. Anything that gets the name Kurd positive publicity is good :D

Re: ‘Kurdistan is part of Iraq,’ Arab Idol judge tells

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:54 am
Author: Shirko
Anthea wrote:
HZKurdi wrote:Anthea has been quite lately, she has been asking what is the best way to get attention (poitive) for Kurds. Parwas has done it by being on arab idol and this should change Pilings mind, when she asked why a Kurd is on it.


I have been very busy :(

It is brilliant that Parwas has actually managed to have such a high profile :ymapplause:

I know absolutely nothing about these programs, I do not have a TV and have never watched any of those types of program. Anything that gets the name Kurd positive publicity is good :D

yeah we did kinda miss you :)
Its a big deal, not sure what the ratins are but im sure its in the hundreds of millions of people watching.

Re: ‘Kurdistan is part of Iraq,’ Arab Idol judge tells

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:56 am
Author: Shirko
And then you can add all the extra attention c.aused by what Ahlam said, and its not over yet

Re: ‘Kurdistan is part of Iraq,’ Arab Idol judge tells

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 1:27 am
Author: Anthea
I thought that I would have a look Arab Idol online :D

I found this site: ... res-video/

I did not realise that it had contestants from all over the Arab world, but when I looked at the list of finalists beside the names it had their county of origin

Iraq Finalists

Berwas Hussein, 24, – Iraq - Kardestan
