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In Kirkuk Army attacks demonstrators in Hawija

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:23 am
Author: Londoner
Over 270 have been killed or wounded. The army, Dijla Division, attacked demonstrators at 4am this morning. The link is in Arabic.

Re: In Kirkuk Army attacks demonstrators in Hawija

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:42 am
Author: talsor
and there you have it .
It says that Hawija residence are preparing their weapons to attack checkpoints and army bases .

واضاف ان "اهالي قضاء الحويجة بدأوا يجهزون اسلحتهم ويتهيأون لمهاجمة السيطرات ونقاط التفتيش ومقرات الجيش على خلفية الاقتحام

Re: In Kirkuk Army attacks demonstrators in Hawija

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:47 am
Author: Piling
Everybody expected a next Kurdish-Arab war, but thanks to Maliki, it will stay a familial clash, at the end : another step toward the disintegration of Iraq ?

Re: In Kirkuk Army attacks demonstrators in Hawija

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:50 am
Author: Anthea
Kirkuk Now

“Hawija turns into slaughterhouse”

Clashes between protesters and military forces have left dozens dead and many more injured today as sources have stated that the military started and used helicopters while the Kirkuk police has now reinforced security built around Kirkuk to prevent a further expansion of the ongoing conflicts.

The Kirkuk police have blocked the entrances of Kirkuk city and only ambulances are allowed to enter the city. ... hterhouse/

Re: In Kirkuk Army attacks demonstrators in Hawija

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:46 pm
Author: Anthea
Kirkuk Now

“Military and protesters are responsible for Hawija’s happenings”

The Kirkuk Provincial Council has condemned the happenings in Hawija and blames both the military and the protesters for the happenings, while the Arabs of the council describe the situation as being a “slaughterhouse” and claim that the situation is out of control.

The Kirkuk Provincial Council held a press conference after this morning’s clashes between military forces and protesters in Hawija which left dozens dead and many more injured.

The entirety of the members and factions of the council condemned the happenings in Hawija and blamed the negotiation committee between the protesters and the military for their negligence in their roles for keeping the situation calm.

The Arabs of the council announced “All that happened was a massacre against the protesters and the Arabs of Hawija, and the situation is expanding.”

“The situation is out of control and it’s almost impossible to find a way out; we call for the tribe leaders and representatives of the protesters to keep calm and cool the situation down,” said Muhammad Khalil al-Jburi, an Arab member of the council.

Karwan Salhi – Kirkuk Now ... appenings/

Re: In Kirkuk Army attacks demonstrators in Hawija

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:36 pm
Author: Londoner
The conflict is spreading to other places. Three Kurds, an Officer and two soldiers, have been shot dead by armed infiltrators to demonstrators.