Sadly I have always known that BDP supported Turkey
I do not speak Turkish but I do have several good friends who have made a point in studying the BDP since it's inception and they have kept me informed and left me with no doubt at all as to where the BDP's loyalties are
This flag seems to be a pre-planned event. I have been giving it some thought and believe it may well have been done to pretend an attack on the DBP offices in order to obtain more support for them. The BDP appear to have losing popularity among Kurds recently due to their support of the Turkish government. They desperately need to win back Kurdish support
We already know that the BDP have been sporting the Turkish flag at some of their events
I have mentioned in previous posts that I distrust the BDP. I have even asked people if they would post details of anything positive that the BDP has done for Kurds, but there was NO response. Even the very basics of holding a referendum to discover what the Kurdish people actually want, is something they declined to do. They wanted Kurds to support them and never really cared what Kurds themselves wanted