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Crop production increasing :-)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:53 am
Author: Anthea
Kirkuk Now

The Kirkuk Agricultural Department has announced that the total production of 2013, which has been estimated at 325,000 tons, is an increase of 105,000 tons compared to last year.


Mahdi Mubarak Kakaiy, the head of the department told Kirkuk Now “Until this date, the silos of Kirkuk have bought 325,000 tons of wheat and barley from the farmers of Kirkuk province.”

He also stated the production has increased by 105,000 tons compared to the past year, which was estimated at 220,000 tons.

Due to the rise in the products, Kirkuk is set to top the list of all Iraqi provinces in crop production as it came in at the second and third places in the past years.

“Kirkuk has not yielded crop production as this year’s level in the past 15 years,” Kakaiy stated.

Every ton of premium wheat is sold for 792,000 Iraqi dinars and first and second grades for 682,000 and 572,000 ID respectively. ... ncreasing/

Anthea: Let us hope that the same increase is taking place throughout Kurdistan :ymapplause: