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video-Al Qaida in Syria killing Kurdish civilians

PostPosted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:07 am
Author: Aslan
WARNING: contains dead bodies

I urge the West, Turkey and the Gulf countries to stop arming those terrorists when we have to witness these horrifying killings by Al-Qaida of innocent Kurdish civilians who are declared as halal targets. They have kidnapped over 200 Kurdish civilians yesterday.

Re: video-Al Qaida in Syria killing Kurdish civilians

PostPosted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:18 am
Author: Anthea
Aslan wrote:WARNING: contains dead bodies

I urge the West, Turkey and the Gulf countries to stop arming those terrorists when we have to witness these horrifying killings by Al-Qaida of innocent Kurdish civilians who are declared as halal targets. They have kidnapped over 200 Kurdish civilians yesterday.

In this war it is mostly the innocents who die - I am disgusted that the 25 million Kurds living in Turkey do not support there their dying brothers - 25 silent voices achieve NOTHING - 25 MILLION Kurdish voices would be heard worldwide

The Kurds of Turkey should remember that many of the Kurds now being slaughtered in Syria would have had roots and ancestors in other parts of the Kurdish homeland - have they forgotten that Kurds were nomadic and travelled across vast swathes of land - some of those innocents being slaughtered in Syria most assuredly have - all be it distant - a great many relations inside Turkish borders

Where is Kurdish brotherhood and support when the largest group of Kurds in the world sit silently and let these innocents die

Remember many thousands of Kurds from Syria joined the PKK to fight for an Independent Northern Kurdistan