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Turkey Frets Syrian Kurdish Gains in Northeast

PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:15 am
Author: Aslan

Syria’s Civil War is no broad two-faction conflict, but a seemingly unending array of minor battles between myriad different groups over different territory, complex and unpredictable.

Most of the fighting is stalemated, but the most recent territorial gains have been from Kurdish militias, which have ousted al-Qaeda from dozens of towns in the nation’s northeast in recent weeks. For a lot of factions, this is a somewhat welcome shift, with Western nations hoping it somewhat blunts the impact of al-Qaeda’s dominance over the rebellion and gives the more moderate (i.e. Western bankrolled) factions a chance to reassert themselves.

For Turkey it’s a big problem though. Turkey embraced the rebellion early on, envisioning a Sunni Arab nationalist Syria that would weaken Kurdish autonomy bids, but instead finding Islamist incursions uniting Kurdish blocs and pushing them toward de facto independence.

In Iraq, long-standing concerns about Kurdish autonomy may be falling by the wayside, however, as the central government comes to appreciate them as an effective foil for al-Qaeda. Either way, the Kurdish surge looks to leave a lasting imprint of northeastern Syria, and further complicates the overall war.

Re: Turkey Frets Syrian Kurdish Gains in Northeast

PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:44 am
Author: Shirko
Aslan wrote:For Turkey it’s a big problem though. Turkey embraced the rebellion early on, envisioning a Sunni Arab nationalist Syria that would weaken Kurdish autonomy bids, but instead finding Islamist incursions uniting Kurdish blocs and pushing them toward de facto independence.

In Iraq, long-standing concerns about Kurdish autonomy may be falling by the wayside, however, as the central government comes to appreciate them as an effective foil for al-Qaeda. Either way, the Kurdish surge looks to leave a lasting imprint of northeastern Syria, and further complicates the overall war.

For Turkey, the project management plan is not on schedule. Their hopes of leading the Sunni world with the Arabs is not looking very feasible these days. The Wahhabis have effectivelly hijacked the revolutions and now it's basically another conflict between the moderate Sunnis and the Salifists (Al Qaeda terrorists are mixed) They should have not tried to undermine the Kurds in Syria.

For Malikis Iraq, things might be looking much better. Especially if they finally excepted the hard facts about SK (defacto independence), and also that Assads regime will probably never border Iraq again. So what do they have to lose by having a border with a Kurdish state (West Kurdistan run by a friendly party), instead of a more hostile Sunnni Arab state? And at the same time, they are helping them by neutralizing the extremists threat across the part of their border with Syria.

So Kurdistan is the equalizing force of the region.

Re: Turkey Frets Syrian Kurdish Gains in Northeast

PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:57 am
Author: Anthea
I think that to state the Turkish regime is fretting is a vast understatement

The Turkish regime must be shaking in it's shoes for fear that it's own Kurdish community might want independence

Yes a large portion of the Kurds living in Turkey did support the PKK - and at one time Ocalan and the PKK stood for independence - but no more - and even at it's most powerful a large percentage of Kurds in Turkey did not agree with the PKK Marxist format nor the violence

If a new Kurdish leadership - totally independent from BDP/PKK and offering Kurdish independence emerged within Turkey - I firmly believe that in light of the recent events in Syria and the continued success of Kurdistan - the VAST MAJORITY of Kurds would vote for INDEPENDENCE

Re: Turkey Frets Syrian Kurdish Gains in Northeast

PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:28 pm
Author: talsor
PYD/PKK would have never made such gains without direct support from Iran/Syria and Iraq . They are providing PYD with heavy weapons and Iraqi artillery is actively involved in the fight helping PYD . If the syrian regime survive which is the goal , these same countries (Iran, Iraq , Syria) would crush PYD within a week and keep in mind that they made and would never make any real promises to PYD in terms of autonomy . They are also instructing PYD to be hostile toward KRG for obvious reasons .

The syrian opposition(FSA )on the other hand are very clear in their message to Kurds in syria . They (opposition ) clearly say that there will be no western Kurdistan , there will be no autonomy , there will be no kurdish rights , so nothing could be gained by joining them .

Syria , Iraq and Iran are pissed at turkey and they will do anything and everything for PYD for now , but when the dust is settled they will shake hands and turn their guns towards Kurds . No matter how bad their relations get historically , they always unite when it comes to fighting kurds .

Unity between PYD and KRG is the only way out and that sadly would never happen .In the short terms Kurds are in a good position , but in the long term I think we are screwed .

Re: Turkey Frets Syrian Kurdish Gains in Northeast

PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:09 pm
Author: Shirko
I get part of what you are saying but I hope it's not all what it seems.

Salih Muslim: The PYD had received aid, money and weapons from KDP, PUK as well as PKK.

Re: Turkey Frets Syrian Kurdish Gains in Northeast

PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:26 pm
Author: Londoner
talsor wrote:PYD/PKK would have never made such gains without direct support from Iran/Syria and Iraq . They are providing PYD with heavy weapons and Iraqi artillery is actively involved in the fight helping PYD . If the syrian regime survive which is the goal , these same countries (Iran, Iraq , Syria) would crush PYD within a week and keep in mind that they made and would never make any real promises to PYD in terms of autonomy . They are also instructing PYD to be hostile toward KRG for obvious reasons .

The syrian opposition(FSA )on the other hand are very clear in their message to Kurds in syria . They (opposition ) clearly say that there will be no western Kurdistan , there will be no autonomy , there will be no kurdish rights , so nothing could be gained by joining them .

Syria , Iraq and Iran are pissed at turkey and they will do anything and everything for PYD for now , but when the dust is settled they will shake hands and turn their guns towards Kurds . No matter how bad their relations get historically , they always unite when it comes to fighting kurds .

Unity between PYD and KRG is the only way out and that sadly would never happen .In the short terms Kurds are in a good position , but in the long term I think we are screwed .

NO, it is not so bad. In my view Kurds will never become victims of the old enemies again.
As long as present Islamic rulers of Turkey, remain in power, will not collaborate against Kurds for the fear of Turkish Nationalists, and even if Turkish Nationalists come back to power they can not do any thing because they don't get western support.

Syria will never go back as it was before the civil war. Neither side can defeat the other. At least Israel will not let either side wins or defeated. Put it simply is that the present regional geopolitics will last for a long time. After that all hostilities against Kurds will disappear.