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German companies involved in Halabja bombardment

PostPosted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:09 pm
Author: Anthea

Germany investigates case of German companies involved in Halabja bombardment


Today, January 8, 2014, Halabja Chemical Bombardment Victims Group and a number of Halabja`s officials received German MP and Deputy Secretary General of German Left Party, Yen Fen Akin.

The main theme of the meeting was to discuss the case of a number of companies that cooperated with Ba`ath Regime in the bombardment of Halabja with chemical weapons.

Yen Fen pointed out in a press conference that “a number of German companies have been involved in helping Ba`ath Regime in Halabja Bombardment and, currently, Assad`s regime and we are willing to gather sufficient evidence to be able to stand against them.”

At the present time, Halabja Chemical Bombardment Victims Group has collected the name of more than 400 foreign companies that cooperated with Saddam`s regime in the bombardment of Halabja.

A number of these companies are German, and the group has recruited attorneys and issued complaints against a number of these companies.

Currently, three French companies are being brought to court.