Fighting in and around Kurdish areas in Iraq
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:27 pm
There has been a great deal of fighting in and around the Kurdish areas of Iraq does anyone have details?
There is no northern iraq
Mewan Dolamari
BasNews, Erbil
Kurdistan Region’s military forces (Peshmerga) are waiting on President Massoud Barzani’s order to deploy to Nineveh Province following today’s clashes in Mosul.
On Saturday a spokesperson from the Peshmerga Ministry media department Halgurd Hikmet said that as a result of the instability in Nineveh and the increasing violence at the hands of the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) Peshmerga forces are keeping a close watch on the area.
“Residents of the Kurdish inhabited areas of Mosul have asked the Peshmerga forces to protect them from ISIS,” said Hikmet to Anadolu Agency.
He mentioned that there is already Peshmerga presence in the area but this does not mean they will use force, rather the force will be used by the general commander of the Kurdistan Region Forces, which is President Barzani, but the troops will carefully observe the situation.
“After the removal of Saddam Hussein in 2003, many Peshmarga units have remained permanently in the Kurdish inhabited areas of Nineveh province and those units will observe the situation,” added Hikmet.
He also stated that: “If Barzani orders them to, they will take the responsibility of protecting the area against the threat of ISIS”.