Nuwar Jabali
BasNews, Mosul
Hundreds of Yezidis have fled Mosul following clashes between the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) and Iraqi forces on Saturday.
BasNews has been informed that most of the Yezidis who have left Mosul for the Kurdistan Region are students who are now facing troubles taking their final exams due to the violence.
“In the past two days Kurdish Yezidis have left their schools and headed to the Kurdish region,” a member of Mosul police force who asked to remain anonymous told BasNews.
The police explained that although Yezidis in Mosul do face threats the Yezidi community in Sinjar is not under any threat “because the Kurdish police forces are protecting that area”. ... gion/22667
Do you see the pic ? That is MINE ! I took it in 2007 or 2009 in Lalesh.
Here is my photos of Lalesh :
So as we took their paper here, they have taken my photos : arroseur arrosé
But I ALWAYS credited the stuff I take, they didn't, bad guys.