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President Barzani & Independence : Time is now (CNNI)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:17 pm
Author: Piling
Kurdish Pres. Barzani gives Christiane Amanpour (CNN) a very strong indication that Kurdistan will seek independence : ... LDlZrBlNYt

Full interview with Massoud Barzani airs at 2pm ET, 8pm CET.

Re: President Barzani & Independence : Time is now (CNNI)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 4:58 pm
Author: Anthea
The Kurdish people decided over 10 years ago - there was a referendum and over 95% of Kurds of the wanted Kurdistan to become independent

Unfortunately Barzani is surrounded by a great many advisers - some of whom are in the pay of foreign governments

Some of those advisers are no doubt in the pay of Turkey and will be strongly against Kurdistan's independence - due to the enormous number of Kurds living under Turkish control

Barzani has spoken of independence several times in recent years - actions speak better than words - Kurds need action

The other thing we must remember that many times there has been problems between Sunni and Shia - each time Kurds have interceded and the Sunni and Shia have become friends they have united and turned against the Kurds - ungrateful not nice people that they are X(

Re: President Barzani & Independence : Time is now (CNNI)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 5:10 pm
Author: Anthea
Abu Waris Musawi, spokesperson of the al-Najba Islamic Movement, a shiite militia group formed during the Syrian crisis to protect the Shiite shrines in ​Iraq and Syria, warned the President of Kurdistan Region against attacking the Iraqi army and annexing Kirkuk and said that they had rockets that could reach Erbil, the capital city of Kurdistan Region.

The Peshmerga have been helping to keep ISIS at bay and this is what they get in return X(

The Peshmerga moved into Kirkuk to protect the people after the Shite cowards ran away and left them at the mercy of ISIS

The Iraqi government did not care if the people of Kirkuk lived or died - it is time for Kurdistan to declare independence and close it's borders to all but fellow Kurds - leave the Sunni and Shite to kill each other

Re: President Barzani & Independence : Time is now (CNNI)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:20 pm
Author: Piling
Barzani has always said the same things during years : "Kurds deserve independence, until now we could not allow to take it ; but as soon as it is possible, we'll do it.

So the moment seems to be now. Masud Barzani does not certainly with to enter in the Kurdish history as 'the one who failed to seize a unique occasion'. He has to be cautious but he has a huge pressure from Kurdish public opinion behind him : Kurds will never forgive that these Peshmergas died for nothing.

Re: President Barzani & Independence : Time is now (CNNI)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:15 pm
Author: Anthea
phpBB [video]

FULL EXCLUSIVE: Iraqi Kurdistan leader Massoud Barzani says 'the time is here' for self-determination :ymapplause:

Iraqi Kurdish President Massoud Barzani gave his strongest-ever indication on Monday that his region would seek formal independence from the rest of Iraq.

“Iraq is obviously falling apart,” he told CNN's Christiane Amanpour in an exclusive interview. “And it’s obvious that the federal or central government has lost control over everything. Everything is collapsing – the army, the troops, the police.”

“We did not cause the collapse of Iraq. It is others who did. And we cannot remain hostages for the unknown,” he said through an interpreter.

“The time is here for the Kurdistan people to determine their future and the decision of the people is what we are going to uphold.”

Full Report: ... rmination/