Washington (Rûdaw) – Berdevka Wezareta Derve ya Amerîkayê Jen Psakî di bersiva Peyamnêrê Rûdawê Namo Ebdullah de li ser nerazîbûna Barzanî li hember Zîrweya Londonê got, Serokwezîrê Iraqê Heyder Ebadî “nûnerê hemû Iraqê” ye.
Duh li paytexta Îngilistanê, Londonê, welatên endamên hevpeymaniya li djiî DAIŞê civiyan lê Herêma Kurdistanê ji bo wê civînê nehatibû vexwendin. Ji ber wê jî Serokê Herêma Kurdistanê Mesûd Barzanî li hember vê yekê nerazîbûn nîşan dabû.
Li ser vê yekê, îro li Washingtonê, Peyamnêrê Rûdawê Namo Ebdullah ev mijar ji Berdeva Wezareta Derve ya Amerîkayê Jen Psakî kir. Psakî destpêkê nexwest bersiva Rûdawê bide lê dema Namo Ebdullah li ser pirsê rijd bû, Jen Psakî hêrs bû û wiha got: “Belê, Heyder Ebadî nûnerê hemû gelê Iraqê ye.”
Barzanî di beşek ji peyama xwe de ku duh hat belavkirin, wiha nerazîbûna xwe nîşanî Civîna Londonê dabû: “Em li bendê bûn her kes hurmeta qehremantiya Pêşmerge û qurbanîdana gelê Kurdistanê bigire û nûnerê Kurdistanê ji bo vê civînê û civînên bi vî rengî vexwînin. Bêguman niha tenê hêzên Pêşmerge bi awayekî yekser şerê terorîzma cîhanî dike.”
Piling wrote:In short the answer to Barzani is : "Hayder Al Abadi is the representative of all iraqis."
All "Iraqis". Yeah. Stupid cow.
QUESTION: The anti-ISIS coalition. The Kurdish President Masoud Barzani – I’m not sure if you’ve seen his remarks.
MS. PSAKI: Mm-hmm. I did see this, I think, what you’re referring to.
QUESTION: Yeah. He slammed the West for not inviting the Kurds. He said it’s disheartening. What do you – what’s your response to his criticism?
MS. PSAKI: Well, I would say --
QUESTION: The London conference, I mean.
MS. PSAKI: Sure. I know what you’re referring to. I’d say a couple things.
We have enormous respect for the courage the Kurds have shown and the tremendous fight they have taken to ISIL to recapture territory. We’ve seen consistent and continued gains by Iraqi Security Forces, including Kurdish forces in recent weeks in coordination with the Government of Iraq. The United States and the coalition have been very supportive of Iraqi Kurdish forces and will continue to do so.
London was an opportunity for a small group of coalition members to work directly with the Iraqi Government to identify areas where we can enhance our assistance and cooperation, including to the Kurds, even as we continue to apply pressure on ISIL to end its siege on the Iraqi people. As head of government, Prime Minister Abadi was the representative of the Iraqi Government at the conference.
QUESTION: So you believe because Prime Minister Abadi was there, there was no need for the Kurdish president to --
MS. PSAKI: He was – as the head of government, he was the representative. I would also remind you – as you probably know, because you cover this closely – General Allen and Ambassador McGurk have met directly with senior officials from the Kurdistan Regional Government on every trip they’ve taken to Iraq, and they will continue to do so.
QUESTION: Was it the – sorry. Was it the United States’ decision to not invite the Kurds?
MS. PSAKI: I would not put it in those terms. I --
QUESTION: Because the United States is leading the coalition.
MS. PSAKI: Let me finish, let me finish. As appropriate, the head of government attended to represent all of Iraq. The Kurds are part of Iraq, and so they represented their interest. As you know, they work together – as we work with all of them – to defeat ISIL.
QUESTION: I know, Jen, and you know very well Iraq is about basically two states – it’s Kurdistan and it’s Baghdad. And you have militarily and politically worked with both of them independently. So --
MS. PSAKI: Kurdistan is a part of Iraq, as you know.
QUESTION: Yeah, but you have – like, you have provided them arms --
MS. PSAKI: In coordination with the Iraqi Government.
QUESTION: With Iraq. So now they are really angry because they believe, as the most probably effecting fighting force on the ground, they haven’t been even – no representative of their – of the Kurds have been invited.
MS. PSAKI: Well, I think our actions --
QUESTION: So don’t you think their criticism is fair?
MS. PSAKI: Let me finish. Our actions over the course of several months, including supporting them in a range of ways with material support --
QUESTION: But on this specific issue --
MS. PSAKI: Let me finish my answer – in cooperation with the Iraqi Government answers that question. We also have many meetings with them. But they are a part of the Iraqi Government. I understand the views of some and your personal views, but that remains the case. President Abadi remains the – Prime Minister, excuse me, Abadi remains the head of the Iraqi Government. We’re going to move on.
QUESTION: Just one more question. One more question.
MS. PSAKI: No, no. We’re done. We’re going to move on.
Go ahead.
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