Uzay Bulut: Kurds Ask for Peace, Turkey Attacks
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Uzay Bulut: Kurds Ask for Peace, Turkey Attacks
Posted on October 19, 2015 by KDN
Terror attack on Kurdish peace rally in Ankara left 106 dead and hundreds wounded.
Just after the bombing attack in Ankara, Turkish authorities said that the Islamic State (ISIS) was responsible. But in response, Turkish jets did not bomb ISIS; they bombed the Kurdish PKK, who are fighting ISIS.
Where were the special forces and the police, so quick to shoot Kurds but not protect them? The police delayed medical help, and instead attacked with tear gas the people that were helping the wounded, in an effort to disperse them.
“The PKK ceasefire means nothing for us. The operations will continue without a break.” — Senior Turkish security official.
“Ankara is the capital of Turkey. If a bird flies here, the state knows about it. … There was a rally of 100,000 people but no security precautions were taken. Look at their own rallies: the security precautions start 10 streets away.” — Selahattin Demirtas, co-chairman of the Kurdish HDP Party.
Many massacres have been carried out against the Kurds. None of the perpetrators has ever been punished — in those massacres, the planners were the state authorities themselves.