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Iran: Kurds end snow season with ancient ceremony

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 12:55 am
Author: Anthea

Kurds in Iran mark end of snow season with ancient ceremony

The people of Sardasht marked Bilendan ceremony as they’ve done for years. Bilendan marks the end of winter and the cold season. People keep firewood through the winter to make a bonfire on this day.

It takes place 45 days before the Kurdish year Newroz. The fire and smoke means Newroz is around the corner. Bilendan pays tribute to the sun that melts the snow.

For some it also means the end of hardship and injustice. Some people take pieces of burning stick and spread the smoke over their house and animals for fertility. The ancient ritual comes from one winter of heavy snows.

It is accompanied by Kurdish dance, music and poetry.

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