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President Barzani briefs world leaders on security

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President Barzani briefs world leaders on security

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Feb 21, 2022 2:30 am


President Barzani on security developments

Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani attended the Munich Security Conference (MSC) on Thursday. He met with several world leaders and ministers to exchange views on regional peace, security and stability, and to discuss latest political developments in Iraq and the region

Below is the transcript of President Barzani’s interview with Rudaw’s Alla Shahly on the sidelines of the conference:

Rudaw: Let us start off by saying that Wolfgang Ischinger, chairman of the Munich Security Conference described your involvement in the conference as being very important. Why is the security of the Kurdistan Region important for the world?

President Nechirvan Barzani: Such conferences are an opportunity for us, from the Kurdistan Region, to enable those taking part in them to closely learn of the developments in the region as a whole and in Iraq in particular, because events unfolding in Iraq and Syria have a direct impact on the global security and the security of the region. Therefore, as the [Kurdistan] Region, this is an opportunity for us to put forth and say our opinions at such conferences with world officials and to hear their opinions as well, of course. This is also a chance that you could, within a short period of time, meet a lot of people, during which there is a chance to express the Region's opinions with the world leaders, without requiring many protocol procedures.

Rudaw: You met with many world leaders, ministers and officials. How will the Kurdistan Region respond to the Iraqi federal court's decision concerning oil and gas, to prevent another economic crisis from happening. Did you receive any guarantee from the global leaders that they will support you and prevent any attempts aimed at weakening the position of the Kurdistan Region?

President Barzani: This matter concerns Iraq itself. I could say it was a very unjust decision made against the Kurdistan Region. We are exerting maximum efforts to resolve this issue with Iraq through dialogue. What the Kurdistan Region has done in the oil sector is a very constitutional subject. We have done such works on the basis of the permanent Iraqi constitution. The federal court's decision contradicts the permanent constitution of Iraq. Therefore, what is important for us from the Kurdistan Region is that through dialogue and understanding with Baghdad, we should find a solution to this matter. This [court decision] cannot easily be implemented on the ground. There could be a point on their end; if the decision is designed to engulf the Kurdistan Region and the people of Kurdistan in a big crisis, then the decision is very unjust. And if the decision is taken to reach a good result, I believe there could be a way in which we could solve this matter through serious dialogue and meetings, to find a mechanism to benefit the people of the Kurdistan Region and all of Iraq as a whole.

Rudaw: Is there a chance to engage in dialogue with Iraq to resolve this matter?

President Barzani: If Baghdad is being serious, yes there is a chance. And if they intend to harm the people of the Kurdistan Region, there is no chance, by God. Today, I believe Baghdad carries the responsibility to make a decision to lay the groundwork for serious talks on the matter at hand. I believe we could find a solution to this question.

Rudaw: In your meetings during the Munich Security Conference, did you receive any promise that they will play a mediating role between you?

President Barzani: All the sides were of the opinion that the issue should be solved through talks with Baghdad. At the same time, we realized that they were seriously worried about the escalation of this issue. They want and support the idea that a solution must be found to this issue.

Rudaw: Mr. President, most of the leaders you met, spoke to Rudaw praising you that you have made efforts to establish co-existence and unity. In your opinion, is there any chance that the Kurdish parties, notably, the PUK and KDP reach an agreement on the question of the Iraqi president post?

President Barzani: Out of principle, what is really crucial for us, as Kurds, is unity. We have made many achievements through the unity that we worked for together. If not united, we will definitely lose a lot. There is still this principle. I hope we will eventually reach an agreement with the PUK and other sides which will be in the interests of the people of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

Rudaw: The last question, you visited Najaf following an initiative taken by [former] President [Masoud] Barzani by meeting with Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr. Do you have a plan to return to Baghdad to bring these political parties closer?

President Barzani: The initiative [former] President [Masoud] Barzani took still exists. Within the framework of this initiative, we visited Najaf. If needed, we could visit Baghdad. Of course, this initiative from President Barzani was to bring the rival parties closer together to reach a result that will be in the interest of all of Iraq. Of course, if needed, we will visit Baghdad. At the moment, it is not on our agenda to pay such a visit yet, any time soon.
Good Thoughts Good Words Good Deeds
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President Barzani briefs world leaders on security



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