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Kurdistan Economy

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Jun 16, 2023 8:35 pm

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Kurdistan Board of Investment

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The Chairman of the Kurdistan Board of Investment Mohammed Shukri on Friday at the Iraq Britain Business Council in London revealed to Kurdistan 24 that they, along with the Minister of Industry and Trade Kamal Muslim, have participated on behalf of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)

The Kurdistan Board of Investment chairman said that the Council is needed to support British companies in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

"We hope to benefit from British companies investing in the Kurdistan Region in agriculture, industry, tourism, higher education and medicine," he added.

Furthermore, he stated that at the conference they discussed very favorable opportunities for foreign investors in the Kurdistan Region.

Shukri reiterated that a significant and new investment process will be announced in the next few days in Erbil, under the direct supervision of Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani.

He also stressed that their goal is to make the Kurdistan Region a prominent place in the Middle East in the future that venture capitalists can invest in.

UK Consul General to Erbil Rosy Cave, in an interview with Kurdistan 24 on January 31, said that around 200 British companies are already exporting to the Kurdistan Region in sectors such as education, food and drink, motor vehicles, and health care. ... Investment
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Kurdistan Economy



Re: Kurdistan Economy

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Jun 18, 2023 8:17 am

Exporting food to Sweden

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – At least 22 tons of food products, including the renowned Kurdish rice from Akre, are set to be exported to Sweden this week, a statement from the Kurdistan Region read on Saturday

Labeled ‘Made in Kurdistan,’ the rice is one of the highest-quality products in the Region. In addition, another product, Tahini, will be exported as well, according to a government statement.

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) launched a pilot project to export Kurdish pomegranates last year to a number of Gulf countries, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain.

In a bid to ease reliance on the oil economy, Kurdistan Region is determined to export more local produce to regional and European markets, a commitment Prime Minister Masrour Barzani had previously expressed for his cabinet.

Kurdish farmers in recent years had complained about a lack of markets to sell their products, as the Region was flooded with neighboring countries' produce at cheaper prices.

The premier is committed to assisting farmers to overcome these obstacles in order to compete regionally.

Numerous media campaigns have been launched since then to promote the Kurdish agricultural sector as well as pomegranates with #Hanar hashtags. ... -to-Sweden
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Re: Kurdistan Economy

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Jun 18, 2023 8:22 am

US trade delegation visit Kurdistan

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – A senior US business delegation concerned with agricultural investment is set to arrive in the Kurdistan Region late this week, Kurdistan 24 has learned

Consisting of more than 30 businesspeople, the delegation is the largest of its kind in the agricultural sector to visit the Region following the fight against ISIS and the COVID-19 pandemic, an informed source told Kurdistan 24.

Organized by the US Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with its Kurdistan Region-based affiliate, the business delegation is set to meet with their Kurdish counterparts as well as government officials to discuss investment opportunities, particularly in the agricultural sector.

US Ambassador to Iraq Alina L. Romanowski in a press conference on Thursday confirmed the visit.

In addition to Erbil, the business delegation is also set to visit Sulaimani, the province’s governor said on Thursday.

The US Chamber of Commerce Kurdistan Region, known as AmCham Kurdistan, is hosting a reception for the trade delegation in Erbil on June 18 with the participation of top Kurdish officials and foreign diplomats, Dori F. Abouzeid, president of the association, told Kurdistan 24 on Saturday.

A number of renowned US brands in several sectors, including fast food chains, have opened branches in the Kurdish region.

In a bid to improve the business climate and facilitate investment, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) ninth cabinet has recently launched its online Business Registration System that slashes the cost of obtaining company licensing by over 80 percent, according to government officials.

The Kurdish region has one of the most investment-friendly laws that had played a crucial role in developing its infrastructure rapidly compared to the rest of the country, business observers and government officials have said on many occasions. ... tan-Region
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Re: Kurdistan Economy

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:09 pm

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Learn from the past:

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister on Sunday called on Baghdad to respect the constitution and learn from the past, a week after the highly contentious federal budget bill passed through the Iraqi parliament

“I call on the leaders in Baghdad to respect the constitution and learn from history,” Prime Minister Masrour Barzani said in a speech at a conference in Erbil promoting religious coexistence in the Region.

“What we can achieve through peace and stability cannot be achieved through war and oppression,” he added.

The prime minister’s speech comes a week after the Iraqi budget bill was approved by Iraq’s parliament. Disputes over articles related to the Kurdistan Region’s share postponed the session multiple times until an agreement was reached following rounds of negotiations between Kurdish and Iraqi sides.

“Our problem is not only the problem of salaries or financial matters, now most of our constitutional rights have been ignored and breached,” he said, referring to issues over land ownership between farmers in Kirkuk and the Iraqi government.

For over 10 days, Kurdish and Turkmen farmers in Kirkuk have been protesting a decision by the Iraqi defense ministry for their lands to be seized. The farmers claim the lands belong to them and have urged the ministry to reverse its decision.

Barzani said that they have compromised for the sake of the establishment of a federal and democratic Iraq, and tried their best to build a country where everyone feels that their rights and identities are preserved, and that this process seems to be derailing now.

“Iraq is gradually being taken in a direction that will face the bitter experiences of the past,” said Barzani.

Kurds have faced oppression and hundreds of atrocities under the Baathist regime in Iraq. Despite the regime’s fall in 2003, the trauma of the genocide and tyranny keeps the Kurds on guard to prevent the reoccurrence of similar events.

Since then, Erbil and Baghdad have had rocky political ties mainly due to the KRG announcing independent oil sales in 2014 following the start of the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS) and holding a referendum for independence in 2017, prompting Baghdad to cut KRG’s share from the federal budget.

Baghdad and Erbil signed a deal to resume the exports of the Kurdistan Region’s oil following a late March ruling on a case between Iraq and Turkey that led to the suspension of the Region’s oil flow to global markets. Oil exports are yet to resume despite the agreement.

According to the budget bill approved by the parliament, the revenue from KRG oil sales will be deposited in a joint bank account monitored by both governments, while Iraq’s State Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO) will undertake the marketing and sale of the region’s oil.
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Re: Kurdistan Economy

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Jun 19, 2023 8:08 am

Private sector holds greatest promise

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The US Consul General in Erbil, Irvin Hicks Jr., on Sunday delivered a speech at the US Chamber of Commerce conference in Erbil

The US Consul General touched upon many interesting issues in the Kurdistan Region.

“The longer I’m here in the KRI (Kurdistan Region of Iraq), the more I’m convinced that the private sector holds the greatest promise for improving the lives of the people throughout the KRI,” Hicks Jr. said.

Hicks continued by talking about how his mission spends so much time focused on political matters, tensions between political parties, tensions between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and Baghdad, the budget, and elections.

“These matters are important, of course, but they’re important precisely for the impact they have on the stability of the region, the investment climate, the ability of ordinary people to live and work in freedom and security,” the US diplomat added.

Furthermore, the US official confirmed that respect for fundamental human rights is a key pillar for the US investment community, in addition to the rule of law, freedom of the press, and gender equality.

“These values are not just important for strong democracies but essential for strong economies,” he reaffirmed.

Moreover, Hicks Jr. reiterated that American investors value innovation and creativity in inclusive, diverse societies.

“The US remains committed to these principles,” he noted and added, “That’s why you will always hear us advocating for the protection of human rights alongside our advocacy for a stronger, transparent, and more competitive business environment.”

The US Chamber of Commerce Kurdistan Region, known as AmCham Kurdistan, hosted a reception for the trade delegation in Erbil on June 18 with the participation of top Kurdish officials and foreign diplomats.

A number of renowned US brands in several sectors, including fast food chains, have opened branches in Kurdistan.

Yesterday, Kurdistan 24 interviewed Anna Burress, Director of Middle East Affairs at the US Chamber of Commerce, and Steve Lutes, Vice President for Middle East Affairs at the US Chamber of Commerce, in which they discussed US-Kurdistan Region trade ties and American investment in the region.

In a bid to improve the business climate and facilitate investment, the KRG ninth cabinet has recently launched its online Business Registration System. This slashes the cost of company licensing by over 80 percent, according to government officials.

Representatives of the Kurdish Region frequently tout the Region’s investment-friendly laws and how they have played a crucial role in developing its infrastructure rapidly compared to the rest of the country. ... l-in-Erbil
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Re: Kurdistan Economy

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Jun 19, 2023 8:15 am

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Fishery to be built in Duhok

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The largest fishery in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq will be built in Duhok province. In the first phase, the fishery can produce 200 tons of fish meat, according to a statement

The fishery has created many job opportunities, according to a statement from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

The fishery aims to meet domestic needs and develop it to an exportable level. Once the first phase is complete, the fishery can then produce 21 million fingerlings (small, very young fish) and 1,200 tons of fish meat annually, the statement added.

“This fishery is one of the strategic projects and complements agricultural production in the Kurdistan Region,” said Shukri Omar, director of the fishery.

"No fishery in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq has ever been built this way and with this advanced technology," he added.

The fishery covers 229 dunams (56.6 acres) and consists of a hatchery, laboratory, and cages.

This project is part of the KRG’s ninth cabinet plan to develop domestic production and diversify the Kurdistan Region's economy. ... k-province
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Re: Kurdistan Economy

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Jun 19, 2023 11:21 pm

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PM Barzani Launches Invest Kurdistan

Kurdistan Region PM Masrour Barzani attended the official launch of the Invest Kurdistan brand and website on Monday, delivering a speech that highlighted the Region's commitment to economic growth and the facilitation of domestic and foreign investments

Addressing the audience, PM Barzani expressed his pleasure in launching the online platform, which aims to enhance the investment process and provide accessible information on investment opportunities in the Kurdistan Region.

He underlined the mutual reliance and collaboration between the public and private sectors, emphasizing that this belief goes beyond mere rhetoric. The Kurdish leader acknowledged the essential role of the private sector in revitalizing the Region's economy and praised its steadfastness and contribution during challenging times, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and regional instability.

The prime minister called for a unified effort to create a promising future, outlining the regional government's commitment to fostering an investment-friendly environment. PM Barzani acknowledged the progress made in removing legal and bureaucratic hurdles, but highlighted the need for further improvements to attract investors and streamline the investment process.

The Kurdish prime minister stressed the importance of establishing a reliable and efficient banking system to support investment activities, affirming the government's dedication to this objective.

Efforts have been initiated to digitize investment-related services, ranging from company registration to project approvals, with the aim of expediting procedures and minimizing delays. PM Barzani urged relevant institutions to accelerate the provision of suitable land for investors and urged streamlined processes.

Highlighting the stability and peacefulness of the Kurdistan Region, he highlighted the Region's advantageous geographical and natural features that make it an ideal destination for investments in agriculture, tourism, and industry.

The regional government's economic policy focuses on diversification, aiming to support a wide range of investment opportunities. Prime Minister Barzani underscored the Region's potential in human resources, and by investing in this area, he expressed confidence in securing a brighter future for the country.

Referring to the Kurdistan Innovation Institute (KII) launched in the previous year, PM Barzani emphasized the importance of investing in human resources. He also highlighted the Region's potential for agricultural and food industry investments, given its favorable climate, fertile land, and abundant water resources.

Additionally, he emphasized the tourism sector's potential, describing the Kurdistan Region's picturesque landscapes as an appealing opportunity for investors in the Middle East.

The prime minister expressed his commitment to the overall development of Iraq, stating that the prosperity of the Kurdistan Region is in the interest of the entire country. He envisioned the Region becoming a gateway for companies to expand their operations throughout Iraq.

PM Barzani called for the fair and impartial implementation of the Iraqi budget law, free from political interference, and expressed his determination to overcome political and economic challenges alongside Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' Sudani, working together to elevate Iraq's status among developed nations.

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has identified over 1,000 investment opportunities across various sectors, underscoring its clear vision and determination to develop the Region. PM Barzani expressed his intention to engage closely with domestic and foreign investors, seeking their input and suggestions to further refine the government's strategies. He concluded his speech by urging collective efforts to achieve a prosperous, brighter, and stronger Kurdistan.

The launch of the Invest Kurdistan platform marks a significant step towards attracting investments, stimulating economic growth, and positioning the Kurdistan Region as a favorable destination for both domestic and international investors.
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Re: Kurdistan Economy

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Jun 19, 2023 11:29 pm

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Gomaspan Dam

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) continues to take measures to protect water resources, including by building multiple dams, ponds and reservoirs

The Gomaspan dam is one such project, which will be the Region's third largest dam once completed. Work on the dam is ongoing, even during the night to ensure a timely completion.

The dam has a storage capacity of 115 million cubic meters of water, according to government officials. It is located on the outskirts of the city of Erbil.

In the Kurdistan Region, multiple dams, lakes, and rivers, including Dukan Lake, Darbandikhan Lake, and Qandil River, play a vital role in supplying water to the Region. In response to the challenges posed by drought and climate change, the government is proactively involved in initiatives aimed at mitigating their effects.

A crucial strategy involves the construction of several new dams and reservoirs to bolster water storage capacity. These infrastructure endeavors not only aim to enhance agricultural projects, but also foster the development of the tourism industry in the Region.
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Re: Kurdistan Economy

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Jun 20, 2023 11:23 pm

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US Representative to visit Kurdistan
Wladimir van Wilgenburg

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The US Special Representative for Commercial and Business Affairs Dilawar Syed following a trip to Iraq, told Kurdistan 24 during a press conference that he hopes to visit the Kurdistan Region in the future

Earlier this week from June 11-15, he traveled to Baghdad as part of the US-Iraq Business Council delegation, which is one of the first US commercial delegations to Iraq in nearly five years. However, his trip did not include the Kurdistan Region. “So I would have loved to go to Erbil. I unfortunately had to come back early,” he told Kurdistan 24 during a press conference.

“My colleagues did go forward with their trip to Erbil and I certainly hope to do that and go and visit the Kurdistan region going forward. I did meet with some of the stakeholders from AmCham Kurdistan in Baghdad and really had productive conversations with those colleagues,” he added.

This week, Anna Burress, the Director of Middle East Affairs at the US Chamber of Commerce, along with Steve Lutes, the Vice President for Middle East Affairs at the US Chamber of Commerce, spearheaded an American business delegation. The delegation comprised over 12 companies and included more than 20 business professionals.

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Monday gave a speech at the Invest Kurdistan Launch, where he emphasized that the Kurdish government wants to ensure that investors in the domestic and foreign sectors have greater confidence in Kurdistan Region's market by removing bureaucratic barriers.

“We have made tangible progress to remove legal and bureaucratic barriers in our investment strategy. We've made progress but we know there's more to do to make it easier for investors.”

US Chamber of Commerce official Steve Lutes, at the event, underlined that they are "setting out a goal to diversify the economy here in the Kurdistan Region, in identifying the agriculture sector, as one of those areas to focus on."

The US Special Representative Syed added that the goal of his trip to Iraq was to “really build and deepen our commercial engagement with Iraq and the people of Iraq.”

“We discussed at length about the ability to repatriate profits as earnings from – with our discussions with the central bank of Iraq. So all those business environment, investment climate challenges are ones we are also addressing as we are looking to deepen our commercial relationship.”

He hoped that this will help the US companies be more productive in the country. “It will also help Iraq develop its business climate and its environment for its own innovators, for its own entrepreneurs, who we certainly hope will emerge and help the country tackle many of its – many of its challenges.” ... -in-future
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Re: Kurdistan Economy

PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Jun 23, 2023 7:48 pm

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New cement power plant

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Thursday laid the foundation stone of one of the largest and “strategic” cement and power plants in Erbil province

Located in northern Erbil province, the cement plant will have a production capacity of 6,000 tons per day. It will be jointly constructed by the Dabin Group and China Power Investment Corporation (PowerChina).

“The plant will be one of the important cement factories in the Kurdistan Region that can play a remarkable role in developing the reconstruction and industrial sectors,” Prime Minister Barzani said.

He thanked the Chinese and Kurdish companies for implementing the project that is set to be built on the 43-hectare area at the foot of Safin Mountain.

Barzani hoped the project would be executed with “high quality” and within the expected time, urging the developers to observe workplace safety and environmentally-friendly practices.

The project, which provides 1,000 job opportunities during the construction phase and includes a 52-megawatt power plant, will be finished in two years, Kamaran Dosky, the plant’s chief executive officer, said in a speech. He added that the factory is “strategic” in the long term for the Kurdish region.

Company representatives from PowerChina and China Power Investment Corporation (Sinosure) attended the ceremony along with Kurdish ministries and government officials.

“The Kurdistan Region is abundant with raw materials that could be the source for other factories and revitalizing industries locally and abroad,” Barzani said, highlighting his government’s efforts to diversify the economy.

The factory’s production relies on the local limestones in the area.

Barzani called on his cabinet to cooperate with the private sector to facilitate further investment and industrial opportunities. ... ower-plant
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Re: Kurdistan Economy

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Jun 24, 2023 9:26 pm

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Multiple Projects in Soran

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) on Saturday paved a main road in Soran city at a cost of hundreds of millions of dinars, improving the city's transportation with modern infrastructure

“As part of the ongoing initiatives and public endeavors undertaken by the Kurdistan Regional Government, we started the first phase of asphalting the main two-sided street in front of Soran University campus in Delzian neighborhood, with a budget of 849 million dinars allocated by the Soran independent administration,” Ahmad Mustafa, spokesperson of Soran district municipality, told Basnews.

Mustafa highlighted that the KRG’s various services are still in progress, and there are multiple service projects outlined in the plan and scheduled for execution.

Soran is a captivating tourist city that attracts a significant influx of tourists each year, drawing in thousands of enthusiastic visitors.

The current KRG cabinet has prioritized infrastructure development, including construction projects and diversifying revenue sources.

The cabinet has brought about substantial economic growth in the Kurdistan Region, accompanied by a noticeable surge in the development of infrastructure such as new roads and highways.
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Re: Kurdistan Economy

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Jun 24, 2023 9:32 pm

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Thousands of tourists visited Erbil

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The Kurdistan Region’s capital Erbil has hosted more than 500,000 international and domestic tourists in the last five months this year, a tourism official told Kurdistan 24 on Friday

The tourists are from neighboring countries and Iraqi provinces that have visited the Kurdish capital since January, Dler Mohammad, the general director of Erbil’s tourism authority, said in an interview with Kurdistan 24 on Friday.

As the Region is preparing for the Islamic feast of Eid Al-Adha on June 28, which is a public holiday across the country, thousands of tourists are expected to visit the Kurdish provinces.

“We are optimistic to see a great number of tourists in the coming days in Erbil,” Mohammad said.

The Kurdistan Region has been a hotspot for domestic Iraqi tourists as well as from Iran and neighboring countries ever since 2003, when the Region emerged as a tourism alternative to then wartorn Baghdad.

The relative security and stability of the Region are cited as the main drivers for the success of the Kurdish tourism sector, according to tourism officials.

Erbil has over a hundred four-and-five-star hotels, according to Mohammad.

The tourism authority recently announced that more than six million tourists in total visited the Kurdistan Region in 2022.

In addition to the holiday season, thousands of domestic tourists from across Iraq visit the northern Kurdistan Region, known for its mountain resorts and relatively cool temperatures, to escape the scorching summer heat weather in southern Iraq.

The KRG has proposed plans to further boost the tourism sector as an alternative to diversify its reliance on hydrocarbon revenues. The plan includes an eight-year-long strategy to attract 20 million tourists annually.

The government launched an electronic visa application system early this year in a bid to facilitate investment and tourists traffic into the Kurdish region. ... m-official
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Re: Kurdistan Economy

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Jun 25, 2023 10:03 pm

Establishing two universities

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Sunday signed an order for the establishment of two new universities in the Kurdistan Region

The two new universities are Akre University of Applied Sciences and Garmiyan Polytechnic University.

In the decree, PM Barzani instructed the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to determine the structure of these two universities and provide all necessary resources.

Previously on May 22, Barzani gave a speech in the Akre district announcing the establishment of these two universities.

Read More: PM Barzani welcomes the reactivation of Kurdistan Region electoral commission

In 2022, the KRG established the Commission for Accreditation of Institutions and the Curriculum of Education and Higher Education. This was to align the Kurdistan Region's education curriculum with international standards.

The Prime Minister on several occasions has reiterated his government’s commitment to develop and modernize the education sector in the Region.

Last year, he announced the establishment of the Kurdistan Innovation Institution to harness Kurdish talent and innovation. The center will have a “scientific park” for innovators to conduct experiments in newly built laboratories. ... iversities
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Re: Kurdistan Economy

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Jun 26, 2023 10:12 pm

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Kurdistan President talks with German Leaders

Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani held a series of meetings in Berlin on Monday with German officials, discussing various topics including bilateral cooperation, regional challenges, and the impact of climate change on Iraq

The Kurdish leader met with Svenja Schulze, Germany's Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, to discuss Germany's relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, as well as joint cooperation in different fields. The president expressed gratitude for Germany's support and welcomed the recent agreements between the two countries.

In another meeting, the Kurdish president was received by Tobias Lindner, German Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, to emphasize the strong relations between Germany, Iraq, and the Kurdistan Region. He called for Germany's continued support in maintaining peace, stability, and confronting the threat of Islamic State (ISIS).

Lindner reiterated Germany's commitment to assisting and supporting Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, including the continuation of German forces' mission in Iraq as part of the international coalition against ISIS.

The president also met with Franziska Brantner, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, to discuss challenges facing Iraq, particularly related to climate change, water scarcity, and desertification. Both sides stressed the importance of international assistance, expertise, and support to address these challenges.

They also highlighted the significance of renewable energy, reducing reliance on oil, and encouraging German investments in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

Continuing his visit, the Kurdish leader held a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, where they discussed Germany's relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, Erbil-Baghdad relations, and the threats and challenges facing Iraq.

The president expressed gratitude for Germany's support in various areas, including military, economic, and humanitarian aid. He also expressed full support for German companies and their investment in the Kurdistan Region.

Chancellor Scholz expressed his appreciation for the role of the Kurdistan Region in defeating ISIS and providing assistance to the victims. He emphasized Germany's commitment to supporting Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, particularly in the fields of economy, energy, and other crucial sectors.

The issue of migration and refugees, as well as the situation in the wider region, were also discussed during the meeting.

The meetings were attended by Iraqi ambassadors and representatives from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). The discussions aimed to strengthen cooperation, address common challenges, and explore opportunities for mutual benefit in various sectors.

NOTE: German government not popular at home hoping for election soon
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Re: Kurdistan Economy

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:38 pm

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KDP President congratulates on Eid al-Adha

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Kurdistan Democratic Party President Masoud Barzani on Tuesday wished a happy holiday to all Muslims in Kurdistan, Iraq, and the world for Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice), according to a statement from Barzani Headquarters

Barzani especially congratulated the families of martyrs, the Peshmergas, and all the people of Kurdistan.

“On this holy occasion, I ask God to bring blessings and safety to all the people of Kurdistan,” President Barzani said.

He hopes this holiday will bring more stability to the region and the world.

“Happy holidays and may everyone stay happy,” President Barzani concluded.

The Feast of Sacrifice marks the end of the annual Islamic pilgrimage, known as the Hajj, to the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The pilgrimage is considered a mandatory duty for all Muslims who are financially and physically able to carry out at least once in their lifetime.

The religious holiday is the second of two Islamic celebrations, the other being Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan.

    Happy Eid to the Muslims of Kurdistan, Iraq and the rest of the world. Also, to the families and loved ones of the martyrs and the Peshmerga forces. It is my sincere hope that this Eid will bring more stability to the rest of the world.
    — Masoud Barzani (@masoud_barzani) June 27, 2023
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