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Never Forget Never Forgive Traitor Bafel Talabani

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Never Forget Never Forgive Traitor Bafel Talabani

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Oct 16, 2024 11:36 am

Seventh Anniversary of October 16 Betrayal
    Kurds Recall Loss and Resistance
Today marks the seventh anniversary of the October 16, 2017, treason, which resulted in the martyrdom and injury of numerous Peshmergas and civilians in the Kurdish disputed areas outside the Kurdistan Region, particularly in Kirkuk. Hundreds more were forced to flee, with some still unable to return to their homeland and left uncompensated

    On that day, the tears of a Peshmerga fighter, when tears and cold breath were mixed with betrayal, symbolized the loss of 51% of Kurdistan’s territory—land liberated from militants with the blood and sacrifice of thousands of Peshmergas
This anniversary recalls the actions of October 16, 2017, when a faction within the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) leadership, including its current president Bafel Talabani, conspired with Iranian-backed Iraqi militia groups against the interests of the Kurdistan Region. These Kurdish areas outside the region were seized by militia forces with foreign backing.

    Later, Bafel Talabani appeared in an interview presenting a document to prove that “38 officials” from the PUK had signed a secret agreement with Baghdad to allow Hashd al-Shaabi forces into Kirkuk. However, several of the individuals named on the list denied having signed the document
Hundreds of people were killed or injured on October 16, and about 200,000 people were displaced from the Kurdistan Region. Many of these displaced individuals have still not returned to their homes.

In the days following the October 16 events, 88 houses were destroyed, over 300 houses were burned, and around 2,500 houses were looted. In Kirkuk and other areas, the headquarters of political parties, particularly those of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), were looted and then burned.

Two days after the events, Kosrat Rasul Ali, then chairman of the Supreme Political and Interest Council of the PUK and the first deputy secretary general of the party, issued a statement blaming “immature individuals” within the PUK for the disasters in Kirkuk and Khurmatu.

However, on October 20, 2017, the Kurdistan Peshmerga halted the Hashd al-Shaabi militia’s attacks at Parde, near Erbil, and Sahela in Duhok province, marking a new chapter of resistance and reaffirming the Kurdish struggle, ultimately ending the assault on the Kurdistan Region.

    Seven years after this historic betrayal, neither the United Nations nor fact-finding committees have taken significant action, remaining silent about the loss of life and property suffered by the Kurdish people in these areas
On the first anniversary of October 16, Kurdish leader and president of the KDP, Masoud Barzani, issued a statement, describing it as “a dark day” in Kurdistan’s history.

“October 16th is a dark day in the history of our people. It was on this day that a dishonorable act of treason was committed against the aspirations of the people who have always been subjected to oppression,” Barzani stated.

According to Barzani, the original plan was to dismantle the Kurdistan Region as a constitutional, political, and administrative entity—a plot thwarted by the Peshmerga forces, who sacrificed their lives to reverse the conspiracy.

On the seventh anniversary of the October 16 betrayal, Erbil Governor Omed Khoshnaw posted on his official page, stating that “treason is the highest degree of immorality,” adding that “the treason of October 16 killed the hope of a nation.”
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Never Forget Never Forgive Traitor Bafel Talabani



Re: 7th Anniversary of Oct 16 Betrayal by Traitor Bafel Tala

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Oct 28, 2024 12:48 pm

The Independent High Elections and Referendum Commission

Referendum process for Independency of Kurdistan region and other
Kurdistan areas out of administration of Kurdistan region. The
commissioners council decided to declare the primary results of referendum

By virtue of section (9) in article (4) of independent high election and referendum commission law, we are declaring the results as the followings:

First/ the number of voter in Kurdistan region, other Kurdistan areas out of administration of Kurdistan region, and those are living abroad were (4,581,255) voters.

Second/the numbers of participants in referendum process for independency of Kurdistan region, other Kurdistan areas out of administration of Kurdistan region and those are living abroads were (3,305,925) Voters, which means (72,16%) the ratio of participants.

Third / the number of invalid votes ( 40011) which means (1,21%)

Fourth/ the number of empty votes were ( 9368 ) which means (0,28 %)

Fifth / the number of exiled votes were (170611 ) which means (5,16% ) conditional votes for not matching with commission datas.

Sixth/ the number of right vote were (3085935 )


Number of those who voted NO (224464) means (7,27%)

Number of those who voted YES (2861471) means (92,73%)

92,73% of Kurds who took part in the legal referendum voted for an


The evil traitorous Bafel Talabani destroyed Kurdistan by dividing it against the wishes of the 92,73% who voted for Independence

Against all those who died fighting for Independence

Had Southern Kurdistan obtained Independence it would have set a precedent

    Obtained Worldwide Recognition
Established an example that could have been followed by other parts of Kurdistan

The evil traitorous Bafel Talabani not only destroyed Southern Kurdistan but in so doing he destroyed the hopes and dreams of Kurds EVERYWHERE

Bafel Talabani belongs in prison
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Re: 7yrs Ago Bafel Talabani Betrayed Kurdistan Belongs in Pr

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:16 pm

Just to remind people how EVIL the TRAITOR Bafel Talabani is

And that he should be charged with TREASON

He belongs in PRISON
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Re: Never Forget Never Forgive Traitor Bafel Talabani

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Feb 04, 2025 9:40 pm

16 October 2017 Bafel Talabani
    committed treason
An horrendous action which resulted in the martyrdom and injury of numerous Peshmergas and civilians in the disputed areas of the Kurdistan Region, particularly in Kirkuk. Hundreds more were forced to flee, with some still unable to return to their homeland and left uncompensated

On that day, the tears of a Peshmerga fighter, when tears and cold breath were mixed with betrayal, symbolized the loss of Kurdistan’s territory—land liberated from militants with the blood and sacrifice of thousands of Peshmergas

The anniversary recalled the actions of October 16, 2017, when a faction within the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) leadership, led by current president Bafel Talabani, conspired with Iranian-backed Iraqi militia groups against the interests of the Kurdistan Region. These Kurdish areas were given by Bafel Talabani to Iraq

Bafel Talabani committed treason and belongs in prison not in the Kurdistan government

Kurds voted for Independence but Bafel Talabani destroyed that hope

Bafel Talabani is the MOST VILE EVIL Kurd who ever lived X(
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