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Stand for Kurdistan 10 minutes every Sunday

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Stand for Kurdistan 10 minutes every Sunday

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Apr 05, 2021 12:28 am

Every Sunday at 12 noon for 10 minutes

Stand for Kurdistan

Stand for Freedom and Unity

Stand for the millions slaughtered by invasion forces

Stand for all those who have died fighting for Kurdish freedom

    You are not standing for:
      A person
      A tribe
      A religion
      A political party

We ask all Kurds everywhere to go out into the street and stand in silent protest for 10 minutes each and every Sunday at 12 noon

We have been saying for many years that the strength of the Kurds is in their vast numbers

Once again we ask that ALL KURDS where-ever they are, leave what they are doing, go out in the street and stand in silent protest for 10 minutes every Sunday

No government could arrest or attack millions of people who just stand still for 10 minutes once a week
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Stand for Kurdistan 10 minutes every Sunday



Re: Stand for Kurdistan 10 minutes every Sunday

PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:59 pm

Many MILLIONS have died

Millions have died in the struggle for an Independent Kurdistan

Most of those killed were unarmed civilians, thousands upon thousand of innocent children; men and women; the old and the infirm; even babies in their mothers arms have been slaughtered; babies yet unborn torn were from their mother's wombs

The slaughter of Kurds goes back to well before the division of Kurdish tribal lands and it is still ongoing

I doubt their any Kurds who have not lost a friend or relation, in the annihilation of Kurdistan

We are not asking anyone to take up arms because we all know that the enemies of Kurdistan have louder voices and larger weapons

All we are asking is your time

10 minutes every Sunday

Just stand in the street for 10 minutes from 12 midday

No shouting - No placards - No leaflets

Envisage millions upon millions of Kurds standing for KURDISTAN

Your silent plea will be heard more than any words
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Re: Stand for Kurdistan 10 minutes every Sunday

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Oct 20, 2021 12:40 pm

Give 10 minutes every Sunday for KURDISTAN

Just stand in the street for 10 minutes from 12 midday

No shouting - No placards - No leaflets

Envisage millions upon millions of Kurds standing for KURDISTAN

    Do it for your chldren
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Re: Stand for Kurdistan 10 minutes every Sunday

PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Dec 27, 2021 2:24 am

Click image below to enlarge:


Stand against the oppression of Kurds

Stand up for Kurdish Freedom

Stand for an Independent Kurdistan

The strength of the Kurds is in their vast numbers

Stand up for the rights of future generations to call themselves

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