wrote:nice to see you Diri
thanks for tips birayên min..
that sure helped me ,but if i can bother you some more..please translate all text
You are welcome - ser chawan...
Let's just clear this up:
There is no "Bigirtina" but there is a "Bi girtina" ----> Which can be used about both past and future tense. Directly it would mean: "With the capture/holding of" - which can both refere to an actually thing that happened in time and space - OR it can be a hypothetical way of speaking of an "alternative outcome" IF "bête girtin" ("come to be captured/held")...
The translation:
Beş = Part
Carinan(sometimes) mirov(one) welatê(homeland) xwe(self) jî(too/even) terk(leaveg=goes away from) dike(does).. = "Sometimes one even leaves behind one's homeland"
Belê(yes),min(I) ew(them) dîtin(saw),diçûn(they were going).. = "Yes, I saw them, they were leaving"
Biryar(decision) ji(from) berê(before) de(prep.) hatibû(had come) dayin(to be given). = "Decision had been made earlier"
Wan(they) ê(would) çavên(how) xwe(self/themselves) bigirtina(held) û(and) bidaya(given) ser(on) rê(road). = "How would they grap themselves and put themselves on the road"
Ew(they) ê(would) biçûna(go).. = "They would go"
Ji(from) cîran(neighbour) û(and) hin(some) nasên(their aquiantances) wan(they) pê ve(together [with]/from),tu(no) kesî(body) pê(about] nizanîbû(didn't know),bê(say) ka(questioning form - prep.) ew(that) ê(is) bi(to) kû(where) de(prep.) biçûna(they would go). = = Together with/from some neighbours and aquaints, nobody could say "to where were they going?"
Ji(from) xwe(self),ev(it) tişt(thing) ji bo(for) wan(them) ewqasî(that much) ne(not) girîng(important) bû(was) jî(either). In it self, this thing was not that important for them either.
Piştî(after) ko(that)
mirov(one) nema(not left) dikare(can) li(from) warê(home) xwe(self) bisitire(not a familiar word for me)... = When at a time, when one does no any longer live in one's home, one might as well "bisitire"
*bisitire - could have been the word "Sîktir" - which is a way of saying "to hell" (litterally from "Sikitî which means "dead" - in an impure way)... So the last part of the sentence could be: "When at a time when one does no longer lives in one's home, one might as well 'fuck off'" (in e.g. "give a fuck to what happenes and just surrender")...
Bisitire ---> litterally = Be dead - but in an impure way...
Is another way of saying - "give a fuck" - in e.g. "I couldn't care less"...