Author: cheryl » Sat Aug 27, 2005 3:09 am
dyaoko wrote:so it is Rigth to Left ? I think Arabic and Hebew Scripts are relative ,,,arent they?
do you think it is easy for me to learn it ?
dyaoko, here is a place to learn the alphabet:
don't bother with the "rashi script." you only need to pay attention to the block script because it is used for books, newspapers and such. also, you should learn the cursive or "script" script, since this is how people write in modern hebrew.
when you click on the sound icon, you get the name of the letter and not its sound. kind of useless, actually.
but, in this list, you will see that some letters have two or three versions. the first versions of each are how the letter is written anywhere in the word but the end of the word. some of the letters have dots inside them. these are used at the beginnings of words or syllables. the last letter given is the terminal letter, the one used at the end of a word.
the letter that is next to last in the alphabet has two sounds. when the dot is on the right, it makes a "sh" sound like the "sh" in the word "shut." when the dot is on the left, it makes an "s" sound. hence the names of the letters, "sheen" for the left-dotted letter and "seen" for the right-dotted letter.
if you have questions, let me know.