hey , today I recieved 110 Ubunutu Linux CDS for 100% free ! they even paid the postage!!!
simply I just registered my adress and recived 110 CDS !!!
I had already regsitered for another 10 Free CDs and I recived them too .
the cds are in nice printed cases and they are original printed cds .
do you like to recieve linux CDs for free?
Ubunutu is the most popular kind of Linux and it has been trasnlated to kurdish language too.
a group of kurds are working on the Ubuntu linux to make it kurdish , and they are making it More kurdish day by day, I am gonna , help them to in their kurdification of linux...anybody intrested in linux ? or any idea that how we can help them?
by my idea it is aa kurdish national duty to premote Linux.
because , Microsoft will never add kurdish language to windows [but linux does]
you can remember that Microsfot employer in Turkey was kidnpaed by Turkish police , just because in one of their Enclopydia softwares they had mentioned Kurdistan name.and finallly Microsoft had to delete kurdistan word from their software, so they can continue selling software to turkey.
with linux, which is FREE and Open Source, Turkey can never do anything to kurdish language.