i found some stupid stuff about iraqi presdient website
1- the .NET domain , it should have been .GOV or .IQ , the .Net domain doenst look that much official
2- there is a link which says "لغطه الکردیه"
what a stupid , it means "kurdish language" in arabic.... why the link to the kurdish page should be in arabic...it must be "Zimani Kurdi" in Kurdish .
3- when you click on the kurdish section...it is empty !
4- the logo has iraqi saddam flag
5 - in the top logo it has written Iraqi's name in Kurdish WRONG !!!!
they have written "کۆماری عیراق" instead of "کۆماری عێراق"
they have forgotten ONE letter.
not only the site doenst have anything in kurdish but also the only kurdish word that been written is in WRONG fORMAT !
it is obvious that mr talebani has ordeded his Website be done by some arabs that dont know kurdish at all...and they dont even know enough about internet ...if they knew they would choose .GoV domain name.
Mr president why your site doenst have your mother's languge section ?
Mr presient why you asked arabs do your site while we have many great kurdish commpanies working in IT field?