Author: Anthea » Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:00 am
talsor wrote:Anthea wrote:
Not sure myself - I know that the price of sheep is going up in Kurdistan - to be able to have a flock of sheep graze on mountains where there is little or no competition probably would be worth that much money depending on the size of the flock
Does anyone know the price of sheep in Kurdistan?
it is a load of crap propaganda period . You two sit on your ass bashing PKK like you are better huh . get a life and leave the kurds deal with Kurdish issues . it is no of your business
Even the dumbest of the dumbs can multiply 100 X 30 days = 3000 a month . A doctor in the hospital in Kurdistan can barely make between 1500 - 2000$ .
It is a shame that you are so dumb you did not read the article properly:
Hama Amin Ibrahim... each spring (as in once a year) he takes his 200 sheep and goats to the mountains
“Every time I take the flock up to the mountains I’m forced to pay about $100 to the PKK to be allowed to stay,” said Ibrahim.
$100 is a fair price to pay for annual grazing rights - I imagine Hama is complaining because the land does not belong to the PKK therefore they have not legal right to charge any money.
It is common for farmers to graze their flocks on mountains in the spring - springtime is when the snow has gone and there is a lot of fresh new growth - it gives the winter feeding grounds lower down time to recover
Anwar Ahmed said they are being forced to pay money...the amount of money varies depending on the number of sheep,” Ahmed told BasNews.
Ahmed said that he has to pay approximately $50 per day and offer them a number of sheep.
I admit that $50 per day seems rather a lot of money but sometimes farmers work together when they take their flocks to a different location for summer grazing - Kurds having a nomadic background - several families could possibly move to the grazing grounds together.
As we have absolutely no idea how many sheep are involved - we can only assume that the numbers are very high.
You two sit on your ass bashing PKK like you are better huh . get a life and leave the kurds deal with Kurdish issues . it is no of your business
talsor has forgotten Piling was here when RBK started - without Piling running this forum
Good Thoughts Good Words Good Deeds