Qonyeyi wrote:By answering them, you are giving the impression that these two individuals are somehow connected to the Kurdish community and that their opinion matters. Their opinions do not matter. Not even the slightest since they are:
1) Not informed at all about what is going on in Kurdistan
2) Deliberately post false news
3) They are biased and their only goal is to specifically target the most popular freedom movements in Kurdistan
4) They are speaking as if they are a part of the Kurdish nation
5) They are not pro Kurdish in any way.
6) They ridicule our leaders ( look how they are speaking about Salih Muslim, a man that lost his youngest son in this war), our concepts ( look how they are looking down upon the concept of cantons) and they ridicule our people.
7) They actively support our enemies. Look how they so wish for Assad to have had the access to get Kurdish votes in the Kurdish areas.
For all these reasons, and possibly many more, it is best to let those two anti-Kurdish and non-Kurdish individuals discuss amongst themselves. As long as we, as genuine Kurds and pro-Kurdish individuals, reply to their answers, we will only legitimice their efforts of ridiculing and demonizing the Kurdish people and our struggle.
Just let them have their own little internal discussions. At least people from the outside will not think they speak on the behalf of Kurds.
our concepts ( look how they are looking down upon the concept of cantons)
Anthea wrote:Qonyeyi wrote:By answering them, you are giving the impression that these two individuals are somehow connected to the Kurdish community and that their opinion matters. Their opinions do not matter. Not even the slightest since they are:
1) Not informed at all about what is going on in Kurdistan
2) Deliberately post false news
3) They are biased and their only goal is to specifically target the most popular freedom movements in Kurdistan
4) They are speaking as if they are a part of the Kurdish nation
5) They are not pro Kurdish in any way.
6) They ridicule our leaders ( look how they are speaking about Salih Muslim, a man that lost his youngest son in this war), our concepts ( look how they are looking down upon the concept of cantons) and they ridicule our people.
7) They actively support our enemies. Look how they so wish for Assad to have had the access to get Kurdish votes in the Kurdish areas.
For all these reasons, and possibly many more, it is best to let those two anti-Kurdish and non-Kurdish individuals discuss amongst themselves. As long as we, as genuine Kurds and pro-Kurdish individuals, reply to their answers, we will only legitimice their efforts of ridiculing and demonizing the Kurdish people and our struggle.
Just let them have their own little internal discussions. At least people from the outside will not think they speak on the behalf of Kurds.
Perhaps you have been smoking something strange
I still do NOT understand WHY you think it is right to keep dividing Kurds - I would have thought that Kurds have been divided and suppressed for far too many years - surely only a non-Kurd would welcome the further division and suppression of the Kurdish nation
Could it be that Qonyeyi is not actually a Kurd
How can you refer to a freedom movement as popular when they behave as thugs towards fellow Kurds
Salih Muslim divider of the Kurdish nation - he is lording over LESS THAN HALF of the Kurdish population in Syria - and in so doing putting the lives of Kurds living outside the cantons in far greater danger - all the small Kurdish villages and farming communities in the North of Syria are suffering because of him
Salih Muslim has made himself a big fish in a small isolated sea - as a direct result of his actions many Kurds living in places such as Damascus are now in much greater danger and have to hide their Kurdish identities
It is Qonyeyi who seems to be ignorant of the WELL PUBLICISED FACT that as I previously stated - less than half the Kurdish population actually live in the cantons
Piling wrote:our concepts ( look how they are looking down upon the concept of cantons)
Cantons is a French invention, a French word, and a French concept. And your Confederation is just a imitation of Switzerland. But without a territorial continuity and without a democracy. Don't make a fool of yourself like George Bush when he pretends that there is no French word for 'Entrepreneur'
Qonyeyi wrote:By answering them, you are giving the impression that these two individuals are somehow connected to the Kurdish community and that their opinion matters. Their opinions do not matter. Not even the slightest since they are:
1) Not informed at all about what is going on in Kurdistan
2) Deliberately post false news
3) They are biased and their only goal is to specifically target the most popular freedom movements in Kurdistan
4) They are speaking as if they are a part of the Kurdish nation
5) They are not pro Kurdish in any way.
6) They ridicule our leaders ( look how they are speaking about Salih Muslim, a man that lost his youngest son in this war), our concepts ( look how they are looking down upon the concept of cantons) and they ridicule our people.
7) They actively support our enemies. Look how they so wish for Assad to have had the access to get Kurdish votes in the Kurdish areas.
For all these reasons, and possibly many more, it is best to let those two anti-Kurdish and non-Kurdish individuals discuss amongst themselves. As long as we, as genuine Kurds and pro-Kurdish individuals, reply to their answers, we will only legitimice their efforts of ridiculing and demonizing the Kurdish people and our struggle.
Just let them have their own little internal discussions. At least people from the outside will not think they speak on the behalf of Kurds.
Shirko wrote:Piling wrote:our concepts ( look how they are looking down upon the concept of cantons)
Cantons is a French invention, a French word, and a French concept. And your Confederation is just a imitation of Switzerland. But without a territorial continuity and without a democracy. Don't make a fool of yourself like George Bush when he pretends that there is no French word for 'Entrepreneur'
They obviously decide to use the word canton because they are supposed to resemble the Swiss Confederation (States). But I wish that they didn't use that that term because it MIGHT have French origins (prove the true origins of the word and concept first).
Why do you always act like the French and Europeans are so smart and that made everything? On other occasions you said we should be thankful to the West for the tv and net. Do you know that your French culture never made crap? Basically a mixed groups of people that got screwed by the North Africans, English and Germans. The French where the biggest losers of the European colonialization and industrial and expansion race. They couldn't Ben hold on to territory in the Americas, the Conquistadors whipped your asses, yes or no?
And even the European "Renassuance" luckily accured in France not because their brilliance, but because of the Muslim invasion and the Jews translation of the ancient near eastern knowledge into Latin.
So get off of your imaginary imperialistic high horse.
Shirko wrote:Anthea wrote:If you have any dignity and respect , then you would StFU & talk about something that you really know alot about, which is absululety nothing.
Qonyeyi wrote:Ewe ku Kurdi dizanin, bangeke min heye ji bo we: hun edi bershiv nedin ew miroven ku welate we perche perche kirin di dema ceng u shere yekemin li cihane. Ew welate we xerap kirin, u iro disa ji bi xerapbune u neyartiye behsa welate we dikine. Bila ji min bipirse, ez ji bejim ku armanca wan tene ji bo dijberti ye li welate me ye.
And to piling. Are you not a woman? Dont talk to me about democracy. Maybe it is time for you to demand a french female president? Heck, maybe it is time for you to try to increase your representation of women in parliament. Even Andorra, Zimbabwe and Rwanda are countries with higher female representation in parliament than france.
The Western Kurdistan model is more democratic than france ever was and ever will be on a very good day. It has better youth representation in parliament, better female representation in parliament and administrative life... It even has a co president system with a female president and various female canton leaders. Maybe it is time for french men to learn and read about the Western Kurdistan revolution.
Au revoir!
ʿAmudah: Demonstrations against presidential elections
KURDWATCH, June 9, 2014—On June 3, 2014, approximately a thousand people in ʿAmudah took part in a demonstration organized by activists and protested against the presidential elections that took place the same day. Approximately a thousand people also demonstrated in al‑Malikiyah (Dêrik) for the same reason. The Kurdish Youth Movement organized the protest. In al‑Qamishli nearly eighty people took to the streets. Youth groups with ties to the Kurdish National Council organized the demonstration.
The second in line after Ocalan was Sakine Cansiz.
Aysel Tugluk is the leader of the DTK and one of the architects behind HDP creation. You could call DTK the ''legal'' KCK... So she is ultimately the leader of the supreme organisation of Kurds in Northern Kurdistan and Turkey.
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