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UK is becoming a WAR ZONE as BLACK deaths increase

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UK is becoming a WAR ZONE as BLACK deaths increase

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:39 pm

These are London's 'ethnic ghettos' where police 'fear to tread' - according to Russian state media

Some areas of London have become “ethnic ghettos” where it is unsafe to walk and even the police themselves “fear to tread” – according to some extraordinary reports published by Russian state media in the wake of the Brussels bombings.

An article by the Kremlin-supported RT news outlet claimed there were parts of Paris, Berlin and the UK capital which could be likened to the Molenbeek municipality of Brussels, the subject of much attention since the Paris bombings.

According to a lengthy translation by the state-run Sputnik News website, areas of London such as Brixton and Peckham have “potentially ‘explosive’ ethnic neighbourhoods” like Molenbeek’s own - that extraordinarily insensitive pun included.

Linking districts that are “multicultural” to high numbers of “not-so-law abiding citizens”, Sputnik’s version observes that “it’s a different kind of London, not the one you might read about in a Charles Dickens novel”.

It goes on: “In the modern history of London, Brixton is known as one of the most dangerous districts in the city. The multi-ethnic borough itself is predominantly populated by people of African and Caribbean descent. Brixton is notorious for high levels of unemployment and poverty. RT recommends avoiding walking in the borough.”

The Russian media reports seem to justify associating the area with terrorism – not to mention the thinly-veiled racism – with a reference to the Brixton riots which spanned two days in 1981.

The reports have been likened to US presidential candidate Donald Trump’s claims last year that “we have places in London that are so radicalised that the police are afraid for their own lives” – and have met with a similar level of ridicule.

After local news website Brixton Blog picked up on the article, one reader said: “This is such a load of rubbish. There isn’t anywhere in London I wouldn’t walk.”
Brussels attacks: tributes are paid to the victims

Twitter user Michael Veale suggested that visitors to Brixton were most at “danger of acute quinoa poisoning”.

And Paris-based AFP journalist Katy Lee seemed to take similar issue with the reports of no-go zones there, describing the Sputnik report as a “pretty special piece of journalism”. ... 55481.html
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UK is becoming a WAR ZONE as BLACK deaths increase



Re: There are London ethnic ghettos where people fear to tre

PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Mar 27, 2016 10:01 pm

Sadly, it is true, there are areas where the white indigenous population are afraid to visit

And those areas are fast expanding

IN the UK we are called racist if we dare to tell the truth

But unless we confront the problems the situation will just continue to get worse

Many of my female Kurdish friends live on estates so violent that they are prisoners in their own homes

In London, as in many other cities, the problems started which black drug gangs controlling some estates

It has now expanded to many other highly multi ethnically populated areas

Areas where no pizza delivery or taxi company will venture

Areas where ambulances and fire engines will only venture if accompanied by a police escort

There are so many gang fights and stabbings in UK now that very few ever make the news

Only when people are actually killed does it become news

Black drug-gangs carry guns and are happy to show them off on youtube

We have white flight whereby when an area starts to become multicultural the white people leave

In order to solve the problem - first we have to admit the problem exists
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Re: There are London ethnic ghettos where people fear to tre

PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Sep 01, 2016 7:35 pm

Machetes, drugs and machine guns: London's gangs use GoPro cameras to provide a chilling insight into their violent lives for terrifying new TV documentary

Producers did ‘dead drop’ of GoPro cameras away from CCTV coverage
They received footage of drugs and loading a Smith & Wesson revolver
Two youths involved in documentary have been murdered since filming
Two-part series called Gangland begins on Channel 5 at 10pm tonight

phpBB [video]

Gangsters making more than £2,000 a day dealing drugs have revealed on camera how they spend their money on penthouses and luxury cars.

Jordy, a former member of the Woolwich Boys gang, was once living a glamorous life - but had been arrested by the end of the filming of the new documentary.

He said: 'Everything got achieved. The cars got achieved. The b****es got achieved. I had everything you could want. I'm talking penthouses, Range Rovers, Mercs.'

The two-part series beginning tonight goes behind the scenes with gangs - and, shockingly, two youths involved have been murdered since it was filmed.

The producers managed to do a ‘dead drop’ of ten GoPro cameras away from CCTV coverage that a group of gang members then used to film themselves.

The first footage they received was of drugs and someone loading a Smith & Wesson revolver, before producers started leaving instructions and questions for them.

And the result is Channel 5’s Gangland, a documentary that claims to give unprecedented access to London’s most notorious young gangs.

Producer Paul Blake of Maroon Productions said his first attempt at the film had to be abandoned when a gang member was seriously wounded in a shooting.

And Mr Blake, who had a gun pulled on him during filming, told the Guardian he decided to give them cameras because they were so reluctant to be filmed.

He said: ‘They said: “We can’t show you stuff, we can’t sit down with a gun and show you that”. And then it just came to me that they could film it themselves.

Link to Full Article - Photos -Videos ... night.html ... night.html
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Re: There are London ethnic ghettos where people fear to tre

PostAuthor: Piling » Fri Sep 02, 2016 5:15 am

We have the same places in French cities. Half-ethnic half-Drugland areas.
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Re: There are London ethnic ghettos where people fear to tre

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Sep 07, 2016 6:28 pm

Drug gang violence on increases in UK


Please view video and see how bad black violence has become in US:

phpBB [video]

7916 blacks killed by blacks in Chicago during last 15 years

UK inhabitants fear that the increase in immigrants will cause an increase in gang violence

They have extremely good reason to believe this to be the case: immigrants have bought a new level of gang ware-fare into the UK

UK now has Russian Mafia, Triads, Eastern European people traffickers bring sex-slaves into UK, African people traffickers who bring in cleaners and house servants who are virtually slaves

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Re: There are London ethnic ghettos where people fear to tre

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:38 pm

This is South London

We have


The indigenous white population are being pushed out X(
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Re: There are London ethnic ghettos where people fear to tre

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:17 pm

Iraq v Chiraq: How Chicago violence feels like a war

BBC correspondent Ian Pannell has travelled to many places ravaged by violence. He covered the war in Iraq, reported from the frontlines in Afghanistan and more recently, covered the devastation in Syria. For his latest project, the Washington, DC-based Pannell stayed a little closer to home, travelling to Chicago to explore what is behind the city's skyrocketing homicide rate.

His report was an intimate look at life in the most troubled parts in the south and west of the Illinois city, where most homicides occur, where rival gangs war with one another over matters both large and small - with deadly consequences.

While conceding there are many significant differences between an active war zone like Syria and the streets of Englewood or Austin, where Pannell visited, he still noticed some similarities. He spoke with BBC News' Jessica Lussenhop about what he saw.

War becomes a way of life

"People live with a threat or elements of danger, and although the degree is completely different, that's similar for civilian populations in both environments.

"So what you see is, externally you can go into war zones and on days when things aren't happening, it can look very normal.

"What always amazes me - you see this in Chicago and you see this in places like Syria - is people, they'll be out on the street, they'll be doing the shopping, but they know the rules. As soon as trouble starts to happen, they will immediately withdraw. Suddenly everybody disappears.

"Someone in Chicago was telling me, 'the mailman knows.' The mailman or mailwoman will not go down some of those streets on the days when they know there's an active beef going on. And it's the same in war zones - people learn to adapt, but that has psychological consequences.

"People won't give up. But they live with levels of trauma and danger and stress that aren't normal, and you can't live with that much threat and that much danger on a regular basis and it not affect you."

The power of guns

"I've never seen so many weapons in civilian hands outside of a traditional war zone as I did in parts of Chicago.

"I've never seen a readiness to use firearms outside of a traditional war zone like I've seen in areas of the city. So many people have guns and the threshold beyond which you are prepared to use a weapon is incredibly low.

"In a war zone you would expect people to be armed, you're ready to use it and there's a high chance you're going to be in a situation where you have to use it. In Chicago, you have kids who are empowered by weapons, who are empowered by shooting, given a kind of status that otherwise they don't have.

"In Syria, there are a lot of young, under-employed or unemployed men who became part of rebel groups not just because they believed in the struggle, but it gave them status. It gave them a weapon. It gave them a role. It gave them meaning.

"It's the same thing in Chicago - it's the same thing with the gangs."

The impact on children

"Childhood ends early in both these places.

"People who perpetrate violence ultimately don't really care. For them, it's 'collateral damage'.

"In Chicago, collateral damage is six-year-old Tacarra Morgan, who was shot in the stomach while playing outside her house, and the collateral damage in Syria is also the kids on hospital slabs who were shot or shelled while playing in their streets.

When the child rescuers die too

"Kids have become desensitized to violence. Someone's been shot, and kids are playing up and down the streets on their bikes, because they're used to seeing it and that's also what you see in a war zone.

"It means if the time comes and someone offers to put a gun in their hands, that they are simply more ready to embrace a life of violence. The threshold where you'd be willing to pick up a gun and shoot someone has been massively reduced."

Young men with no way out

"In west Chicago, it's the closest I've ever felt in a civilian area to being in a hostile environment in the way these guys operate.

"They work in a group, all looking out, they're all looking around in every direction, watching for things coming. It's exactly the same as what you'll see in a rebel group.

"Young men have to play the hard man all the time. Given the opportunity to speak out, they have a 1,000 things in their heads and in their hearts.

"'There's no way out of this. I want it to stop. If there were another way...'

"There's this sense of, there's no way out. It's like a maze - when you work your way through it you're right back where you began."
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Re: There are London ethnic ghettos where people fear to tre

PostAuthor: Piling » Wed Sep 14, 2016 5:58 am

"People who perpetrate violence ultimately don't really care. For them, it's 'collateral damage'.

I wonder why Black Lives Matter don't start an offensive campaign against gangs also.
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Re: There are London ethnic ghettos where people fear to tre

PostAuthor: Londoner » Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:07 pm

These are all about drugs. To eradicate drug epidemic two things can be applied:
1- Hang all drug pushers, 2- deprive all drug users from their civil rights and put them into compulsory recovery programs.

Any one proved to be dealing in drugs should be put to death by hanging. All employers should make random checks on their employees each now and then to identify drug addicts. Special authorities to be established to find drug addicts. Any one found to be on any sort of drugs including mariwan, should lose all his or her civil rights and put under compulsory program to recover.
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Re: There are London ethnic ghettos where people fear to tre

PostAuthor: Piling » Wed Sep 14, 2016 4:07 pm

I think that the best way to eradicate drug gangs is to allow drugs. Then no money, no mafia, no dealers.

But once I read that a French policeman from BAC (Brigade Anti Criminalité) disagrees with the idea of legalizing drugs, because, he said, then mafia will smuggle more dangerous stuff, like weapons.

But now with terrorism fashion, I think that smuggling weapons is still existing, btw.

Legalize drugs, and suddenly all this young cool men with no official job and big expensive car will ride in bike instead :lol:

American mafia took as a great opportunity alcohol in 20s 30s. But then Prohibition stopped and some decades later, drugs and crack deals are the main social trouble.
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Re: There are London ethnic ghettos where people fear to tre

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:13 pm

Piling wrote:I wonder why Black Lives Matter don't start an offensive campaign against gangs also.

Black lives do NOT matter to black people

If they did metter the black communities would - as you so rightly state - campaign against the gangs

In US 93% of black men murdered are killed by other black men :shock:

In London about 80% of violent crime is committed by blacks and they complain because they are stopped and searched by the police more often by the police - if blacks were not far more likely to be carrying guns, drugs, knives they would not be stopped
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Re: There are London ethnic ghettos where people fear to tre

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:29 pm

Londoner wrote:These are all about drugs. To eradicate drug epidemic two things can be applied:
1- Hang all drug pushers, 2- deprive all drug users from their civil rights and put them into compulsory recovery programs.

Any one proved to be dealing in drugs should be put to death by hanging. All employers should make random checks on their employees each now and then to identify drug addicts. Special authorities to be established to find drug addicts. Any one found to be on any sort of drugs including mariwan, should lose all his or her civil rights and put under compulsory program to recover.

Agree with death penalty for drug pushers because they are MURDERERS

Agree with removing drug users civil rights

Do NOT agree with wasting money on drug users by putting them in expensive recovery programs - I would much rather give more money to innocent pensioners - disabled war veterans - young people leaving care, most of whom were taken into care because of absent or abusive parents and at the age of 18 pushed out of care homes and left to struggle without any support in often totally unsuitable bed-sits

Something you may not know:
Often supposedly recovering drug users are classed as 'care in the community' and given social housing properties - because of their 'care in the community' status it is almost impossible to evict these people, even if they start drug dealing from their tax payers paid for property X(
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Re: There are London ethnic ghettos where people fear to tre

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:43 pm

Piling wrote:I think that the best way to eradicate drug gangs is to allow drugs. Then no money, no mafia, no dealers.

But once I read that a French policeman from BAC (Brigade Anti Criminalité) disagrees with the idea of legalizing drugs, because, he said, then mafia will smuggle more dangerous stuff, like weapons.

He could well be correct - I am certain they would be able to find something else nasty to fill the gape

Some drug gangs are also involved in people smuggling and prostitution - many prostitutes are controlled by drugs

Piling wrote:But now with terrorism fashion, I think that smuggling weapons is still existing, btw.

Legalize drugs, and suddenly all this young cool men with no official job and big expensive car will ride in bike instead :lol:

Drugs play a large part in the US black culture and Hip-Hop music scene - millionaire artists sing about drugs, sex and violence as though they are good things for blacks to follow :ymsick:

Piling wrote:American mafia took as a great opportunity alcohol in 20s 30s. But then Prohibition stopped and some decades later, drugs and crack deals are the main social trouble.

Blacks will just find something worse - it really is mostly black people who cause the problems

In old movies the bad guys used to have black hats - now they have black skin :ymdevil:
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Re: There are London ethnic ghettos where people fear to tre

PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:52 pm


My solution would be to put everyone found with illegal drugs or weapons into the army and let them experience the strict military regime

If a civilian goes to prison they lead a life of luxury compared to the army prison services - put them in the army and if the do anything put them in the army prison :D
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Re: London fast becoming a WAR ZONE as deaths increase

PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:40 pm

BLACK on BLACK crime is fast increasing in London

6 people were killed from stabbings and shootings in just 4 days last week, taking the capital's homicide death toll to 55 since the start of 2018.

The sudden rise in knife and gun-related killings prompted London Mayor Sadiq Khan to back the use of 'targeted stop-and-search' in the capital. By targeted, this means that young black men will be the targets for STOP and SEARCH operations throughout London.

As 55 (mostly black or mixed race) people have died in London in the past few months, it stands to reason that countless young black men have been injured in the ongoing black gang wars that have been plaguing the UK in recent years.

Scares from minor knife and gun injuries are worn as a sense of pride within black gangs. It is only the more serious and life threatening injuries that are ever reported to the authorities as reporting such injuries could lead to prison sentences.

People live in fear of black youths and victims and witnesses of such crimes also fear reprisals should they inform X(

In the UK people have NO interest or fear of ISIS - only the fear of black gangs and drive-by shootings.

Further info: ... urder.html
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