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PostAuthor: Anthea » Sat Nov 16, 2024 9:07 pm

Governor calls for people of Kirkuk
    to return ahead of census
Kirkuk Governor Rebwar Taha on Saturday urged people originally from the disputed province to return to their Kirkuk homes for the national census later this week

“I call on the people, the families, who are not in Kirkuk, to start returning to their own city, be among your household, be among your relatives. This is for you, for your future, in order to not be stripped of your rights and entitlements and be included in the 2024 census,” Taha said during a press conference in Kirkuk.

“This process is for all the residents of Kirkuk and for Iraqi people in general, and there will not be any other reasons behind it,” Taha said.

Iraq will conduct a population census on November 20 and 21 for the first time in decades. The process has raised concerns among some Kurdish officials about how suspected demographic shifts in disputed areas will be reflected in the count.

A census could contribute to the resolution of many problems like Baathist-era Arabization, the status of the disputed Kirkuk province, and the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) share of the federal budget.

    In a bid to address the Kurdish concerns, earlier this month the Iraqi government approved a KRG request to conduct the census based on residents’ place of origin rather than their current place of residence, using information from the Iraqi migration ministry and the 1957 census for reference in the disputed areas
“Regarding the general population census, it’s a general development census. The form presented to the family via the tablet device will be devoid of ethnicity, devoid of sectarianism, devoid of anything that shows an ethnic property,” Ahmed Khalil Ibrahim, director general of the administrative and financial department of the Iraqi planning ministry, said during the press conference.

Despite the emphasis on development and not ethnicity, calls for people to return to their places of origin have crescendoed, especially from parties representing minority groups.

In a Saturday post on X, the Assyrian Democratic Movement (Zowaa), called on Assyrians and Chaldeans to return to “actively contribute” in the census and help “to draw a better future for Iraq.”

“We also call on our people, the residents of Nineveh and the Nineveh Plains, that are in other Iraqi provinces, to be present at their places of origin on the census days and register from there, for it has great national importance,” read the statement.

Preliminary results of the count are expected to be announced within 24 hours, Abdulzahra al-Hindawi, spokesperson for the Iraqi planning ministry, told Rudaw on Saturday.

"The preliminary results will include the population counts at the national and provincial levels, as well as the number of males and females, along with some other details,” he said, adding that they will need more than two months to release the final results.

The Iraqi government has announced a two-day nation-wide curfew on the days of the census. Airports and border crossings will remain open for tourists and commercial movement, according to Mahmoud Osman, executive director of the population census in the Kurdistan Region.

Iraq last conducted a census in 1997, excluding the provinces of the Kurdistan Region. The last census involving the Kurdistan Region was in 1987.

Estimates put Iraq’s population at around 50 million. A census planned for 2020 was postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic.
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PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Nov 18, 2024 10:05 pm

Kurdish language and identity

Rudaw’s Bestoon Othman hosted Kirkuk Governor Rebwar Taha on Bestoon Talk show, discussing a wide range of topics in the disputed province, including the state of the Kurdish language in the province, the province’s previous administration under former acting governor Rakan al-Jabouri, investment projects, environment, and the controversial provincial council session during which he was elected

The following are key topics from the conversation:

Kurdish language

The restriction on the use of the Kurdish language in the official settings was one of the main questions the Kirkuk governor was asked, Taha said that he, as someone who is from Kirkuk, would prefer if everyone in the city used the languages of all the components of the city, and he has worked to remove the traces of Arabization in the province.

“I would love for everyone from Kirkuk to be able to speak all four languages [Kurdish, Arabic, Turkmen, Syriac], or at least the three main languages … It is true that there has been Arabization in the city. You can look at the history and the decisions in the Iraqi parliament, which I was a part of. They solidify the fact that Arabization had taken place,” Taha said.

Regarding complaints about insufficient aid for the Kurdish language in universities and schools, in terms of translating textbooks and exam questions into Kurdish, Taha said that there are specialized committees in the university to take care of the matter.

“There are specialized committees in the universities to translate the questions into Kurdish too, and they are obliged [to do so]. It is not a decision taken now, whoever wants to answer in Kurdish, let him do. The deanship of the faculty, or the institute, is obliged to hire teachers to translate and fix it [the questions] in the language you answer with,” Taha said, denying the existence of any obstacles against this practice, stating that it is a matter protected by the Iraqi constitution.

“There might have been instances of teachers abusing their positions, thinking or acting harshly against a student, but we cannot apply that on all the teachers,” he said.

Days following assuming his position as the governor of the multiethnic city of Kirkuk, Taha issued a directive for the province’s administrative units to include the usage of the Turkmen and Syriac languages alongside Kurdish and Arabic in all official documents.

The decision was a “confirmation of the (brotherhood) identity of Kirkuk and the diversity of its esteemed components,” according to a statement from his office at the time, and it applies to all province’s governmental, administrative, and departmental offices and units.

A Kurdish language ban was imposed in Kirkuk under Saddam Hussein, as a part of his regime’s efforts to convert the oil-rich territory into a predominantly Arab region. After Saddam Hussein was toppled in 2003, Kurdish education was restarted.

Officials in Kirkuk have voiced concerns over the negligence of Kurdish education in the province, citing inadequate government support and challenges which leave Kurdish students at a disadvantage compared to their peers in the diverse city.

Hiwa Hassan, a member of the Kurdish education administration in Kirkuk, told Rudaw’s Ranj Sangawi in a program last week that while the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) had invested in Kurdish education in the city after 2003, the current situation is less favorable.

“It is not very good,” he remarked, adding that there are many Kurdish children across neighborhoods and streets who are now enrolled in Arabic education. “People have lost trust in Kurdish education.”

In Arabic schools, the Kurdish language is only taught to upperclassmen.

Taha did not deny the unfair distribution of resources among the schools providing education in Kurdish and those providing education in Arabic.

“During the reign of [former prime minister] Adel Abdul Mahdi, more than 44 school projects by Chinese firms were announced for Kirkuk, but only two of them were in Kurdish populated areas, the remaining 42 were for other areas. This is injustice against the Kurdish people … this is stripping a Kurdish child of the right to be in a new building,” Taha said.

Opportunities in Kirkuk

The Kirkuk governor was asked about the equal distribution of employment opportunities in the public sector in the province among Kurds, Arabs and Turkmens - 32 percent each.

Taha said to establish such a system, they require a budget to be provided by the federal government, noting that it is not realistic at the moment.

“We can use the 32 percent principle for dividing the posts. When we established this administration, we made the national principle the criterion for Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen, and Christians who participated in this administration. I agree with this idea and I ask my Arab and Turkmen brothers to help me in this. This is in my interest as a Kurd, and for you as other components of Kirkuk,” he said.

Taha said that despite his affiliation with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), he is prioritizing the public interest ahead of the party or national interest while being in his position.

Jalal Talabani, late leader of Taha’s PUK, was one of the staunch supporters of the 32 percent distribution idea.

Inheriting a 'ruined' office

Taha lamented that he had inherited a crumbling administration from the former acting governor Jabouri.

“I do not want to talk about the previous administration. I seriously get mad talking about them … We inherited a ruined administration … At first, I thought that it was an issue between Kurds and Arabs, but later I found out that they were having institutional fights - they have ruined institutions in Kirkuk” he said.

According to Taha, every administrative unit in Jabouri’s administration acted independently and disregarded his powers, resulting in chaos in the province.

“We do not have a budget. We have some petro-dollar funds which we are investing properly in the projects,” Taha said, urging people not to judge them with the status quo but the results of his projects for the province.

“We have prepared very good programs and our plans are really nice. We need to implement them step by step,” he said.

Taha pledged that the residents will start to see a greener Kirkuk by planting thousands of trees in the Kirkuk, and will fix the roads in every street in Kirkuk, adding that he will make it an obligation for every company that wants to invest in Kirkuk to plant at least 1,000 trees.

“During Rebwar’s tenure, no company will receive a project if it does not plant 1,000 trees,” Taha said.

Kurdish flag, representation

A student lamented that Kurds feel alienated in the city in terms of their cultural representation, saying that the Kurdish flag and traditional clothing are no longer spotted in the city - unlike the flags of Iraqi and Turkmens. Taha was asked if he could resolve this issue.

“Every citizen in Kirkuk is free to have the flag that he wants in his hands or on his shoulders,” Taha said, noting that in the past few days, a street theater festival took place in the city and the Kurdistan flag was raised during the festival, without being prevented by anyone.

    Following the October 17, 2017 events during which the traitor Bafel Talabani handed over control of Kirkuk and the disputed areas to the Iraqi Forces, the use of the Kurdish flag was prohibited. Kirkuk’s Kurds had to obtain special permission to celebrate national festivals such as their New Year, Nawroz, but the ban on the Kurdish flag remained in place
The PMF also replaced the Kurdistan flag, initially placed in the left hand of a famous Peshmerga statue in the city, with the Iraqi one.

Taha said he will wait for decisions to be made in Baghdad regarding the flag used in the provincial institutions, however, he stressed that every citizen is free to use the flag they desire to raise.

“Let anyone use Kurdistan’s flag, and I will interrogate anyone who interrogates them [the citizens],” he said.

Regarding the restoration of the Kurdistan flag for the Peshmerga statue, Taha said he will “resolve” the issue without elaborating.

Controversial council session

Taha was appointed as the governor of the disputed province in August following a controversial Kirkuk provincial council session that took place in Baghdad. Nine out of the 16 members of the council were in attendance: all five PUK members, three Arab members, and the winner of the Christian minority quota. The meeting was not attended by the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) or Turkmen members.

Mohammed Ibrahim al-Hafidh of the Qiyada Alliance, an Arab party, was nominated for the post of council chief.

Taha rejected accusations of having compromised the Kurdish identity of Kirkuk in return for his appointment.

“We have not promised anything … Neither I nor my party has done something like that, and no one has taken a similar step. I am responsible for what I tell you,” Taha said, on rumors of having promised their provincial government ally to not raise the Kurdish flag, or say the city is Kurdish.

He also denied having compromised Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution during the local government talks, saying neither he nor his PUK has the right to make any decisions on the matter.

The people of Kirkuk can decide this

Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution details steps to resolve a dispute between the federal and regional governments who both claim jurisdiction over disputed areas of the country such as Kirkuk province. Successive federal governments have failed to implement the article.

Population census

Iraq will conduct a population census on November 20 and 21 for the first time in decades. The process has raised concerns among some Kurdish officials about how demographic shifts in disputed areas will be reflected in the count.

A census could contribute to the resolution of many problems like Baathist-era Arabization, and the status of the disputed Kirkuk province.

In a bid to address the Kurdish concerns, earlier this month the Iraqi government approved a KRG request to conduct the census based on residents’ place of origin rather than their current place of residence, using information from the Iraqi migration ministry and the 1957 census for reference in the disputed areas.

Census not gather information on ethnicity

Taha reiterated that the census will be used for development purposes only, and will contribute to the allocated budget to the province, which can be used for improving the city.

“Some of the concerns regarding the census are right and valid,” Taha said, “we need to be meticulous on this matter, and make sure that all the promises given to our brother in the KRG’s planning ministry, and us, are implemented and executed.”

The Kirkuk governor also reiterated his support for the return of the people of Kirkuk to their city during the days of the census in order to be counted as a resident of the disputed province
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PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Nov 19, 2024 11:06 pm

Return of Kirkuk Villagers Blocked

Residents of Palkana village in Kirkuk have accused the Iraqi army of threatening to imprison them and preventing their return to their homes, even as they attempt to participate in Iraq’s census process

Several residents told Kurdistan 24 that they were denied access to their village, where many have not resided since the events of October 16, 2017. The Iraqi army reportedly allowed the families a brief window to evacuate but has otherwise barred them from staying or registering for the census.

    "We are about 30 families who came to the village to register ourselves for the census, but the army prevents us from returning to our houses, which are now occupied," one resident told the report. "They only gave us a few hours to leave the village."
Another villager alleged that the army has issued threats of imprisonment should they persist in their efforts to remain. "We insist on staying in the village because it is our home, and we must register here," he said.

The residents have called on the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and Kirkuk’s local administration to intervene and stop the Iraqi army’s involvement in the census process.

    The tensions in Palkana are part of broader disputes in disputed territories such as Kirkuk, where Kurdish residents have faced restrictions since the federal government was given control of the area by the traitor Bafel Talabani following the Kurdish independence referendum in 2017
In recent years, Kurdish farmers in the region have also accused the Iraqi army of blocking access to their agricultural lands during harvest season. These incidents have sparked widespread concern and drawn appeals to officials, including the KRG, the Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, and the Iraqi Prime Minister, for resolution.

The village residents hope for swift action to address their grievances and ensure their participation in Iraq’s census process without further obstruction.
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PostAuthor: Anthea » Mon Dec 30, 2024 1:14 pm

Iraqi Army Land Claim
    Sparks Kurdish Protests
Kurdish farmers in the village of Tobzawa, near Kirkuk, are protesting a lawsuit filed by the Iraqi army seeking ownership of 2,000 acres of farmland

The disputed land, confiscated decades ago by the Baath regime and transferred to the Ministry of Defense, has since been reclaimed by local farmers who assert their historical ownership with Ottoman-era land deeds.

    Abbas Osman, who owns 250 acres, said his family has worked the land for nearly a century. “We have Ottoman-period land titles to prove these lands are ours,” he told Kurdistan 24. “We will not give up a single meter.”
Farmers argue that Iraq’s constitution, particularly Article 140, mandates that land disputes in disputed areas like Kirkuk should remain unresolved until a broader political settlement is reached. Local farmers have called on Kurdish lawmakers to intervene, emphasizing the injustice of reallocating land without resolving historical grievances.

“These lands were returned to their rightful owners. Our representatives must act to prevent this injustice,” a statement from the Office of the Property System read.

Hassan Majid, a member of the Kirkuk Provincial Council, voiced his support for the farmers, highlighting that the affected families include both Kurds and Turkmen. “This action is unfair and disproportionately harms the farmers of Tobzawa,” Majid said.

    The region, devastated during Saddam Hussein’s Anfal campaign in 1988, continues to grapple with the legacy of land disputes. Farmers likened the army’s legal claim to a perpetuation of historical injustices, calling it a setback to their efforts to rebuild their lives.
The lawsuit highlights enduring tensions over land rights in disputed territories, with farmers urging a resolution that respects their historical ownership and constitutional protections.
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PostAuthor: Anthea » Wed Jan 01, 2025 1:40 pm

400 projects in Kirkuk suspended

The residents of the Kurdish-majority Panja Ali neighborhood in Kirkuk city have been deprived of paved roads for years. When Kurdish governor Rebwar Taha took office earlier this year, residents hoped the streets would finally be paved. However, lack of funds has hindered at least 400 service projects

"The contractor came, introduced himself and promised that he would start [working to pave the road] this week. Later, he said they [the federal government] are not paying him. Therefore, he suspended the project," Omer Ahmed, a resident of the neighborhood, told Rudaw.

Some pipes have been laying on the ground for over five months ago for the neighborhood’s sewerage repair project, but work has stalled because the contractors have not been paid.

The contractors union has warned that it will stage a demonstration in the middle of next month if the Iraqi government does not spend money for the suspended projects.

Nawzad Anwer, president of Kirkuk Branch of Contractors Union, warns that if their demands are not met they will suspends all projects.

"More than 400 projects have been suspended. The intention behind the protest scheduled for January 15 is that if the government doesn’t meet our demands, we will halt all projects in Kirkuk, which will have negative consequences for the people of Kirkuk and the administration," he said.

The Kirkuk administration has asked the ministry of finance to send them cash to complete the much-needed projects.

Land stealing Arabs and their decedents MUST be removed from Kirkuk

Original Kurdish land owners MUST compensated for the theft of their homes, lands and businesses

Kirkuk and ALL OTHER areas, towns, villages, homes, lands and businesses stolen by the Baath regime MUST be returned to Kurdish control
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PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Jan 02, 2025 8:00 pm

Iraqi army guilty of Arabization

Kurdish farmers are accusing the Iraqi army of aiding Arab settlers to allegedly seize their lands in the disputed province of Kirkuk where longstanding disputes have raised tensions between communities, an accusation denied by the army

“The Iraqi army soldiers affiliated with the Eastern Salahaddin Operations are providing support to the Arabs brought in to seize the agricultural lands of the Kurdish farmers,” Mullah Hassan Garmiani, representative of Kurdish farmers in Kirkuk’s Daquq district, told Rudaw.

He accused the army of arresting four Kurdish farmers while they were irrigating their farms “even though these lands do not have any legal problems.” The farmers were later released.

But Eastern Salahaddin Operations commander Major General Ali al-Maliki denied the accusations, saying they do not operate in Daquq and are unaware of the arrest of Kurdish farmers in the area.

“We do not distinguish between Kurdish and Arab farmers. Our work is solely on providing security and we do not interfere in land disputes,” Maliki told Rudaw.

In May, heightened tensions between Kurdish farmers and Arab settlers reached a boiling point near the village of Palkana in Kirkuk after the settlers prevented farmers from harvesting their crops, citing ownership documents for the land that date back to the Baathist regime of Saddam Hussein.

    In November, the Iraqi army prohibited Kurdish farmers in Kirkuk’s Sargaran subdistrict from plowing their fields in preparation for planting winter crops. Some Kurdish farmers also claimed Arab farmers have blocked them from working their farms. The land in dispute was part of Baathist-era demographic changes that forced Kurds and Turkmen off their land and brought in Arab settlers
Kirkuk Governor Rebwar Taha intervened and an agreement was reached to allow Kurdish farmers temporary access to most of their land in order to plant. However, farmers in the area say they are frustrated because they are still being denied access.

Disputes between Arab settlers and Kurdish farmers date back to the Baathist era. Land in several villages was taken away from Kurdish farmers by the Iraqi government in 1975 on the grounds that they were located in prohibited oil zones. Two years later, under Decree No. 949 issued by the Baath Supreme Revolutionary Court, the land was given to Arabs who were resettled in the area from elsewhere in Iraq.

    After 2003 and the fall of the Baath regime, Iraq began a policy of de-Arabization within the framework of Article 140 of the constitution, which aims to reverse the demographic changes carried out by former dictator Hussein. The article has never been fully implemented, however, and land disputes still exist
The land restitution bill, submitted by Kurdish lawmakers, has faced opposition from Arab legislators.
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PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Jan 05, 2025 9:29 pm

Iraqi Army Files Complaints Against
    26 Kurdish Farmers in Kirkuk
The Iraqi army has filed a complaint against 26 Kurdish farmers in the village of Tobzawa, located in Kirkuk province, demanding nearly 5,000 acres of land previously taken from Kurdish families. The dispute has sparked concerns among the farmers, who fear a potential legal setback and loss of their ancestral land

Dulbar Mohammed, a resident of Tobzawa, shared with Kurdistan 24 on Sunday that his family’s connection to the land dates back generations.

"Our fathers and grandfathers are from Tobzawa, and now the Iraqi army and authorities want to kick us off our own lands," he said.

The complaint, filed by the Iraqi army, seeks to transfer the land to the Ministry of Defense, a move that the Kurdish farmers fear could set a dangerous precedent.

Satih Nasih, a representative for the farmers, expressed concern that if the complaint is upheld, it would undermine the significance of the Iraqi Constitution, particularly Article 140, which addresses land ownership in disputed areas like Kirkuk.

    The land in question was originally seized by the former Iraqi regime in 1975, when 135,000 dunams of land, primarily owned by Kurdish and Turkmen farmers, were confiscated. The farmers now face the possibility of losing more land to the Iraqi Ministry of Defense
Tobzawa’s residents also carry painful memories of their village’s involvement in the 1988 Kurdish Anfal campaign, during which Iraqi military forces carried out atrocities against the Kurdish population.

As tensions rise, Kurdish farmers in Tobzawa are preparing to confront the ongoing threat to their land, hoping that legal action will safeguard their rights and uphold the constitution.
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PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:56 pm

Oil Workers Demand Equal Rights
    and Petrodollar Payments
Employees of the Iraqi Oil Extraction Company in Kirkuk have gathered to demand equal rights and benefits, including petrodollar payments, aligning with employees of other oil companies

“We are risking our lives daily, facing threats like toxic gas exposure and ISIS attacks, yet we have no rights or proper compensation,” one protester told Kurdistan 24. “We demand the Ministry of Petroleum to address our grievances.”

The employees, whose company has struggled since 2015, voiced concerns about salary cuts and job instability. They called on Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani and Oil Minister Hayan Abdul-Ghani to allocate petrodollars from oil revenues, emphasizing the hazardous nature of their work.

Another employee highlighted their readiness to work under extreme conditions, despite geological and security challenges. “We are part of the Ministry of Petroleum, and we deserve our share of petrodollars for the oil we extract,” he said.

The protest underscores growing dissatisfaction among oil workers in Iraq’s energy sector, which plays a vital role in the country’s economy.
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PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Jan 14, 2025 6:32 pm

Kirkuk Oil Contracts Without KRG Illegal

A member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) faction in the Iraqi parliament has responded sharply to recent statements by Hadi Amiri, the head of the High Committee for the Implementation of Article 140

Amiri, leader of the Badr militia, argued that oil from Kirkuk belongs to the Iraqi federal government and should not be managed in partnership with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

In an interview with BasNews on Tuesday, Sherwan Dubardani, a KDP MP, asserted that any oil and gas contracts in Kirkuk without the consent of the KRG are "illegal."

He referred to the constitutional provisions regarding Kirkuk's oil, specifically pointing to Article 140, which outlines the process for resolving disputes over the city's status and resources.

"Kirkuk is within the framework of Article 140, and in 2019 the Federal Court ruled that this article remains in effect until it is fully implemented," Dubardani explained. "Any action related to the oil and gas in Kirkuk must be done with the partnership and consent of the Kurdistan Regional Government."

    Dubardani further criticized the Iraqi federal government’s decision to sign contracts with international companies, such as British Petroleum (BP), without involving the KRG. "What the Iraqi federal government wants to do in Kirkuk is unconstitutional and illegal," he added. "They are now signing contracts without returning to the KRG, which violates the Iraqi constitution."
The MP emphasized that Kirkuk, a city with a significant Kurdish population, should remain under joint management by both the federal government and the KRG, as per constitutional requirements.

"Kirkuk oil belongs to the people of Kirkuk. Kirkuk is a Kurdish city, and the Iraqi constitution recognizes the city's demographic changes. The oil resources must be managed in partnership between the two governments."

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) also weighed in on the issue on January 13th, issuing a statement regarding the ongoing disputes over Kirkuk's oil.

The KRG reminded the Iraqi federal government that, according to Article 140 of the 2005 Iraqi Constitution, a referendum must have been held in Kirkuk and other disputed areas by December 2007.

The KRG argued that successive Iraqi governments had failed to conduct this referendum over the past 20 years.

"The federal government is preparing to unilaterally take control of the oil and gas from these areas," the KRG statement read.

"However, the Kurdish people, in accordance with Article 140, have legitimate demands regarding these areas. The KRG has the constitutional right to manage newly discovered oil fields, while both the federal government and the KRG must jointly manage previously discovered oil fields, such as those in Kirkuk."

The KRG reiterated its willingness to engage in negotiations with the Iraqi government but accused Baghdad of evading its constitutional responsibilities by attempting to sign oil contracts without adhering to the constitutional framework.

    "The KRG will defend its constitutional rights by all available means," the statement concluded, stressing the government's commitment to protecting the rights of the Kurdish people, including those in Kirkuk."
This dispute over Kirkuk’s oil resources is part of a long-standing conflict between the KRG and the Iraqi federal government over the management of oil and gas in the region, with both sides seeking to assert control over lucrative energy assets.
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PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:28 am

Iraq, BP sign MoU for Kirkuk oilfields

An Iraqi delegation on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with British energy giant BP to redevelop four oilfields in Kirkuk province

“The MoU aims to assign the project for rehabilitating and developing the four oil fields operated by the North Oil Company in Kirkuk to BP. The objective is to enhance production and achieve optimal targeted rates of oil and gas output,” read a statement from Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani’s office.

The deal was made during Sudani’s official visit to London, and was signed by Oil Minister Hayyan Abdul Ghani and BP’s Iraq branch head Zaid Elyaseri.

The Iraqi oil ministry and BP signed a “comprehensive” memorandum of understanding (MoU) in July to rehabilitate several state-owned oil and gas fields in Kirkuk province.

The fields are operated by the state-run North Oil Company - one of the 16 companies comprising the Iraqi oil ministry - with its headquarters in Kirkuk.

BP has been working in Kirkuk’s oil fields since the traitor Bafel Talabani gave Kirkuk and parts of Kurdistan to Iraqi in October 2017. Previously, Kurdish Peshmerga forces were in control of the oil fields in Kirkuk.

Oil exports through the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline have been halted since March 2023 after a Paris-based arbitration court ruled in favor of Baghdad and against Ankara, saying the latter had breached a 1973 pipeline agreement by allowing Erbil to begin independent oil exports in 2014.

The pipeline goes through the Kurdistan Region.

Before the halt, around 400,000 barrels per day were being exported by Erbil, in addition to some 75,000 barrels of Kirkuk’s oil.
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PostAuthor: Anthea » Thu Jan 23, 2025 11:50 pm

KRG Inclusion in Oil Deal Talks

Kurdistan Prime Minister Masrour Barzani urged the inclusion of Erbil in negotiations over a major oil development deal between Baghdad and British Petroleum (BP), highlighting constitutional concerns and the disputed status of Kirkuk’s oil fields

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Thursday, PM Barzani emphasized, “The area under discussion is disputed (stolen) territory. According to the constitution, decisions about such areas cannot be made unilaterally by Erbil or Baghdad.”

He clarified that while the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is not opposed to development, it objects to the mechanism of the agreement. This comes after Iraq and BP signed a memorandum of understanding to redevelop four Kirkuk oil fields, with a formal multi-billion dollar agreement expected next month.

    The KRG previously warned that the deal violates Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution, which outlines steps to resolve disputes in areas claimed by both the federal and regional governments, including oil-rich Kirkuk. The article remains unimplemented, compounding the tensions over resource management
Kirkuk’s fields, operated by the state-run North Oil Company, were previously under Kurdish Peshmerga control until the Iraqi federal government was handed control by the TRAITOR Bafel Talabani in 2017.

Oil exports via the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline have been suspended since March 2023 due to a court ruling against Turkey, leaving the KRG’s energy sector in limbo. PM Barzani expressed frustration over recent unexpected changes to Iraq’s oil cost agreement, which could further delay export resumption.

“The KRG’s participation is vital to ensure constitutional adherence and equitable resource management in Kirkuk and other disputed territories,” he emphasized, reiterating calls for inclusive dialogue on the issue.
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PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Jan 26, 2025 9:00 pm

Gunmen shoot Kurdish man
    destroy property in Kirkuk
A number of gunmen allegedly shot at a Kurdish man and destroyed a structure in Kirkuk in recent days

After he worked on the land and the house, a group of militants told Najat Nazim that they had taken control of the lands in the area and he was not allowed to build a house there.


The structure is located in the Sayyada area, north of Kirkuk.

The militants shot Nazim, injuring him. The Kurdish man has fled the area, fearing further reprisal.

Taban Nazim, the victim's sister, told Rudaw on Saturday that the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF, or Hashd al-Shaabi) shot her brother.

"We took him to Azadi Hospital, he was there for ten days. His health was very bad. He knew this land was unclaimed but his finances were not good so he bought the land and built a structure. They demolished it from him," she said,

The victim's family has pressed charges, but the court has yet to make a decision.

Sabir Mohammed, head of Kirkuk police media department, told Rudaw that they have received arrest warrants.

"Any individual, group, political party, or any government institution who presses charges, we will definitely follow up. I am aware. We have received the complaint and we will definitely investigate through the court which has asked us to arrest and hand them over to it," he said.

The frequency of cases like Nazim’s has made it difficult for security forces and police to identify and hold the perpetrators of these acts accountable
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PostAuthor: Anthea » Fri Feb 14, 2025 3:03 am

Mass Grave of 17 Peshmerga Fighters

A mass grave containing the remains of 17 Peshmerga fighters has been discovered in the Hawija district of Kirkuk province, an Iraqi official confirmed on Thursday

Yasmin Munzir, director of the Mass Graves Department at the Iraqi forensic medicine authority, announced the finding during a press conference, stating that the grave was located at the Bagara base in Hawija.

Authorities believe the victims were executed by the Islamic State (ISIS) during the group’s occupation of the area. Efforts are now underway to identify the remains, with DNA samples taken from relatives in Erbil to confirm their identities.

The Peshmerga forces have been instrumental in combating ISIS in Iraq, playing a crucial role in reclaiming territories seized by the militant group. Their efforts, often in coordination with international coalitions, have been pivotal in disrupting ISIS's activities and diminishing their control in the region.

Between 2014 and 2017, Islamic State jihadists frequently held Peshmerga fighters hostage before executing them. While specific details about the 17 individuals found in Hawija are still under investigation, the discovery underscores the ongoing challenges of accounting for those who went missing during the fight against ISIS.
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PostAuthor: Anthea » Sun Feb 16, 2025 10:20 pm

Iraqi Army Blocks Farmers
    From Cultivating Land
The Iraqi army has once again prevented Kurdish farmers from cultivating their land in the Sargaran area of Dubz district, despite the annulment of former regime-era land confiscation decisions by parliament

Farmers from Sargaran went to their lands to begin work on Sunday, relying on the repeal of Ba'ath-era laws. However, shortly after they gathered, Iraqi forces intervened, ordering them to withdraw. When the farmers refused, the military called for reinforcements to enforce the prohibition.

    "We are relying on the decisions of parliament that have been approved by the court and the president," said Mohammad Ismail, a representative of the farmers, in a statement to Kurdistan 24. "The officer came to me and said, 'You shouldn't plough your land.' I told him I would because we have the right."
Ismail noted that Arab settlers in the area had received compensation under Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution, removing any legal grounds for further restrictions. "Six months ago, we reached an agreement with officials, including the former governor, to wait for compensation payments. Now that they have been paid, we should be allowed to farm our land," he said.

According to Ismail, the 8th Division of the Iraqi army has systematically restricted Kurdish farmers, while the 14th Division, which oversees nearby villages, does not interfere in agricultural activities. "For the past three years, the 8th Division has unjustly imposed restrictions on us," he said.

Local farmer Dashti Agha echoed these frustrations, describing the restrictions as an ongoing injustice. "There is no excuse for the Iraqi army to prevent us from working on our own land," he said. "Especially in these five villages, Kurdish farmers have suffered enough. We have gathered today to break this blockade."

The disputed lands, covering 120,000 hectares, remain a point of contention between Kurdish farmers and Iraqi authorities, despite legal decisions affirming the farmers’ rights.
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PostAuthor: Anthea » Tue Feb 18, 2025 1:26 am

Barzani Urges Iraqi PM to Act
    Against Injustice in Kirkuk
Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani, president of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), has called on Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' al-Sudani to intervene and prevent further injustices against Kurdish farmers in Kirkuk, following reports of military actions restricting their return to their lands

Barzani demanded that those responsible be held accountable and face justice. "Therefore, I call on the Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Iraq, Mr. Mohammed Shia' Al-Sudani, to prevent the recurrence of this injustice and to arrest those responsible for this crime so that they receive their fair punishment," Barzani stated.

    He described the mistreatment of Kurdish farmers as a reminder of the Anfal campaign, chemical attacks, and genocide suffered by the Kurdish people in the past century. He condemned the ongoing actions as chauvinistic and a blatant crime against innocent Kurdish landowners
The statement follows reports that a large Iraqi military force, equipped with Humvees and other vehicles, entered Shanaga village in Dubz district, blocking Kurdish farmers from resuming agricultural work. The military has since reinforced its presence, surrounding farmers who have refused to leave their lands.

These developments coincide with Iraq’s recent efforts to reverse past demographic changes, including a new parliamentary bill aimed at returning confiscated lands to their original owners. Last month, lawmakers repealed Ba’ath-era policies that had seized over 300,000 acres from Kurdish and Turkmen landowners in Kirkuk and other regions.

Mohammed Ismail, the head of Shanaga village, resigned in protest over the situation. “I resigned because of the oppression of Kurdish farmers. If I cannot protect their rights, my position as headman holds no value,” he said.

    While the repeal of past land confiscation orders was intended to restore property rights, its implementation has encountered resistance, fueling tensions in Kirkuk. Barzani praised the resilience of Kurdish farmers resisting these pressures and reassured them of unwavering support
"I also salute the heroic Kurds who have resisted oppression, repression, and assaults with resilience and courage. Let them know that they are not alone, without support or allies—we stand firmly with them, backing their struggle and defending their legitimate rights and demands," he affirmed.
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