KabirKuhi wrote:
It's probably an agreement between barzani-saudi-turkey, based on what I've read and heard. The country is bound for civil war.
Did you get my earlier pm ?
as I mentioned earlier :
The sunnis dream of uniting iraq and syria is coming to surface
Kurds dreams is coming true for obvious reasons
Turkey economic expansion dream is coming true
Iran's dream of uniting the shias are coming true
KSA and Qatar's dream of a sunni iraq is coming true
So you will be right to point a finger at any of the players above and you will be absolutely right .Iraq was breaking up for a while now and the recent events does not surprise me .
KabirKuhi wrote:I feel sorry for PYD
why ?
KabirKuhi wrote: But it might turn on ISIS if the shiahs begin to mobilize. If ISIS attacks holy shrines, Iran and Shiah Iraqis will attack in full force. Iranian forces are already on the ground. Iranian special forces are coordinating with what's remaining of iraqi armed forces.
ISIS are crazy , but I do not think they are that stupid to attack shias holy shrines.